7m Agar Anak Selalu Hidup Bersama Alquran

7m Agar Anak Selalu Hidup Bersama Alquran

7M agar anak selalu hidup bersama Alquran
Setiap orangtua pasti menginginkan buah hatinya menjadi anak yang shalih dan shalihah. Anak shalih shalihah merupakan harta yang paling berharga bagi orangtua. Untuk mendapatkan semua itu, tentu harus ada upaya keras dari orangtua dalam mendidik anak. Salah satu yang wajib diajarkan kepada anak adalahsegala hal tentang al-Quran karena ia adalah pedoman hidup manusia. Rasulullah saw. pernah bersabda (yang artinya): Didiklah anak-anakmu dengan tiga perkara: mencintai Nabimu; mencintai ahlul baitnya; dan membaca al-quran karena orang-orang yang memelihara Al-Qur’an itu berada dalam lindungan singasana Allah pada hari ketika tidak ada perlindungan selain daripada perlindungan- Nya; mereka beserta para nabiNya dan orang-orang suci. (HR ath Thabrani).
From Pelbagai Picture
Allah SWT berfirman:Sesungguhnya Al-Qur’an ini memberikan petunjuk kepada jalan yang lebih lurus dan memberikan khabar gembira kepada orang-orang mukmin yang mengerjakan amal shaleh bahwa bagi mereka ada pahala yang besar. (QS Al-Isra’[17] :9)
Sangat bagus jika sejak anak dalam kandungan seolah-olah calon anak kita itu sudah terbiasa “hidup bersama” al-Quran; yakni ketika sang ibu yang mengandungnya, rajin membaca al-Quran . bca-quran
7M Agar Anak Selalu Hidup Bersama al-Quran
  1. Mengenalkan. Saat yang paling tepat mengenalkan alQuran adalah ketika anak sudah mulai tertarik dengan buku. Sayang, banyak orangtua yang lebih suka menyimpan al-Quran di rak lemari paling atas. Sesekali perlihatkanlah al-Quran kepada anak sebelum mereka mengenal buku buku lain, apalagi buku dengan gambar-gambar yang lebih menarik. Mengenalkan al-Quran juga bisa dilakukan dengan mengenalkan terlebih dulu huruf-huruf hijaiyah; bukan mengajarinya membaca, tetapi sekadar memperlihatkannya sebelum anak mengenal A, B, C. D. Tempelkan gambar-gambar tersebut ditempat yang sering dilihat anak; lengkapi dengan gambar dan warna yang menarik. Dengan sering melihat, anak akan terpancing untuk bertanya lebih lanjut. Saat itulah kita boleh memperkenalkan huruf-huruf al-Quran.
  2. Memperdengarkan. Memperdengarkan ayat-ayat al-Quran bisa dilakukan secara langsung atau dengan memutar kaset atau CD. Kalau ada teori yang mengatakan bahwa mendengarkan musik klasik pada janin dalam kandungan akan meningkatkan kecerdasan, insya Allah memperdengarkan al-Quran akan jauh lebih baik pengaruhnya bagi bayi. Apalagi jika ibunya yang membacanya sendiri. Ketika membaca alQuran, suasana hati dan pikiran ibu akan menjadi lebih khusyuk dari tenang. Kondisi seperti ini akan sangat membantu perkembangan psikologis janin yang ada dalam kandungan. Pasalnya, secara teoretis kondisi psikologis ibu tentu akan sangat berpengaruh pada perkembangan bayi, khususnya perkembangan psikologisnya. Kondisi stres pada Ibu tentu akan berpengaruh buruk pada kandungannya. Memperdengarkan al-Qurari bisa dilakukan kapan saja dan dimana saja; juga tidak mengenal batas usia anak. Untuk anak-anak yang belum bisa berbicara, insya Allah lantunan ayat al-Quran itu akan terekam dalam memorinya. Jangan aneh kalau tiba-tiba si kecil lancar melafalkan surat al-Fatihah, misalnya, begitu dia bisa berbicara. Untuk anak yang lebih besar, memperdengarkan ayat-ayat alQuran (surat-surat pendek) kepadanya terbukti memudahkan sang anak menghapalkannya.
  3. Menghapalkan. Menghapalkan al-Quran bisa dimulai sejak anak lancar berbicara. Mulailah dengan surat atau ayat yang pendek atau potongan ayat (misalnya fastabiq al-khayrat, hudan li an-nas, birr al-walidayn, dan sebagainya). Menghapal bisa dilakukan dengan cara sering-sering membacakan ayat-ayat tersebut kepada anak. Lalu latihlah anak untuk menirukannya. Hal ini dilakukan berulang-ulang sampai anak hapal di luar kepala. Masa anak-anak adalah masa meniru dan memiliki daya ingat yang luar biasa. Orangtua harus menggunakan kesempatan ini dengan baik jika tidak ingin menyesal kehilangan masa emas (golden age) pada anak. Agar anak lebih mudah mengingat, ayat yang sedang dihapal anak bisa juga sering dibaca ketika ayah menjadi imam atau ketika naik mobil dalam perjalanan. Disamping anak tidak mudah lupa, hal itu juga sebagai upaya membiasakan diri untuk mengisi kesibukan dengan amalan yang bermanfaat. Nabi saw. bersabda: Demi Zat Yang jiwaku ada di tangan-Nya, sesungguhnya hapalan Al-Qur’an itu lebih cepat lepasnya daripada seekor unta pada tambatannya. (HR al-Bukhari dan Muslim).
  4. Membaca. Siapa saja yang membaca satu huruf dari Kitab Allah maka dia. akan mendapat satu kebaikan. Satu kebaikan akan dibalas dengan sepuluh kali lipat. Aku tidak mengatakan bahwa alif-lam-mim adalah satu huruf. Akan tetapi, alif adalah satu huruf, lam satu huruf dan mim juga satu huruf. (HR at-Tirmidzi) . Sungguh luar biasa pahala dan kebaikan yang dijanjikan kepada siapa saja yang biasa membaca al-Quran. Bimbing dan doronglah anak agar terbiasa membaca al-Quran setiap hari walau cuma beberapa ayat. Orangtua penting memberikan contoh. Jadikanlah membaca al-Quran, utamanya pada pagi hari usai shalat subuh atau usai shalat magrib, sebagai kegiatan rutin dalam keluarga. Ajaklah anak-anak yang belum bisa membaca untuk bersama-sama mendengarkan kakak-kakaknya yang sedang membaca al-Quran. Orangtua mempunyai kewajiban untuk mengajarkan kaidah-kaidah dan adab membaca al-Quran. Untuk bisa membaca al-Quran, termasuk mengetahui kaidah-kaidahnya, sekarang ini tidaklah sulit. Telah banyak metode yang ditawarkan untuk bisa mudah dan cepat membaca. Ada metode Iqra, Qiroati dan sebagainya. Metode-metode itu telah terbukti memudahkan ribuan anak-anak bahkan orangtua untuk mahir membaca al-Quran. Alangkah baiknya membaca al-Quran ini dilakukan secara bersama-sama oleh anak-anak di bawah bimbingan orangtua. Ketika seorang anak membaca, yang lain menyemaknya. Jika anak salah membaca, yang lain bisa membetulkan. Dengan cara itu, rumah akan selalu dipenuhi dengan bacaan al-Quran sehingga berkahwin.
  5. Menulis. Belajar menulis akan mempermudah anak dalam belajar membaca al-Quran. Diktekan kepada anak kata-kata tertentu yang mempunyai makna. Dengan begitu, selain anak bisa menulis, sekaligus anak belajar bahasa Arab. Mulailah dengan kata-kata pendek. Misalnya, untuk mengenalkan tiga kata alif, ba, dan dal anak diminta menulis a, ba da (tolong tuliskan Arabnya, ya: a-ba-da) artinya diam; ba-da-a (yang ini juga) artinya mulai; dan sebagainya. Sesekali di rumah, coba adakan lomba menulis ayat al-Quran. Berilah hadiah untuk anak yang paling rapi menulis. Jika anak memiliki kemampuan yang lebih dalam menulis huruf al-Quran, ia bisa diajari lebih lanjut dengan mempelajari seni kaligrafi. Rangkaian huruf menjadi suku kata yang mengandung arti bertujuan untuk melatih anak dalam memperkaya kosakata, di samping memberikan kesempatan bagi mereka untuk bertanya tentang setiap kata yang diucapkan serta mengembangkan cita rasa seni mereka. Jadi, tidak hanya bertujuan mengenalkan huruf-alQuran semata.
  6. Mengkaji. Ajaklah anak mulai mengkaji isi al-Quran. Ayah bisa memimpinnya setelah shalat magrib atau subuh. Paling tidak, seminggu sekali kajian sekeluarga ini dilakukan. Tema yang dingkat bisa saja tema-tema yang ingin disampaikan berkaitan dengan perkembangan perilaku anak selama satu minggu atau beberapa hari. Kajian bersama, dengan merujuk pada satu atau dua ayat al-Quran ini, sekaligus dapat menjadi sarana tawsiyah untuk seluruh anggota keluarga. Sekali waktu, tema yang akan dikaji bisa diserahkan kepada anak-anak. Adakalanya anak diminta untuk memimpin kajian. Orangtua bisa memberi arahan atau koreksi jika ada hal-hal yang kurang tepat. Cara ini sekaligus untuk melatih keberanian anak menyampaikan isi al-Quran.
  7. Mengamalkan dan memperjuangkan AI-Quran. AI-Quran tentu tidak hanya untuk dibaca, dihapal dan dikaji. Justru yang paling penting adalah diamalkan seluruh isinya dan diperjuangkan agar benar-benar dapat menyinari kehidupan manusia. Sampaikan kepada anak tentang kewajiban mengamalkan serta memperjuangkan al-Quran dan pahala yang akan diraihnya. Insya Allah, hal ini akan memotivasi anak. Kepada anak juga bisa diceritakan tentang bagaimana para Sahabat dulu yang sangat teguh berpegang pada alQuran; ceritakan pula bagaimana mereka bersama Rasulullah sepanjang hidupnya berjuang agar al-Quran tegak dalam kehidupan.
Wallahu a’lam bi ash-shawab.
copyright@: arkibku. blogspot. com

7m Agar Anak Selalu Hidup Bersama Alquran

7M agar anak selalu hidup bersama Alquran
Setiap orangtua pasti menginginkan buah hatinya menjadi anak yang shalih dan shalihah. Anak shalih shalihah merupakan harta yang paling berharga bagi orangtua. Untuk mendapatkan semua itu, tentu harus ada upaya keras dari orangtua dalam mendidik anak. Salah satu yang wajib diajarkan kepada anak adalahsegala hal tentang al-Quran karena ia adalah pedoman hidup manusia. Rasulullah saw. pernah bersabda (yang artinya): Didiklah anak-anakmu dengan tiga perkara: mencintai Nabimu; mencintai ahlul baitnya; dan membaca al-quran karena orang-orang yang memelihara Al-Qur’an itu berada dalam lindungan singasana Allah pada hari ketika tidak ada perlindungan selain daripada perlindungan- Nya; mereka beserta para nabiNya dan orang-orang suci. (HR ath Thabrani).
From Pelbagai Picture
Allah SWT berfirman:Sesungguhnya Al-Qur’an ini memberikan petunjuk kepada jalan yang lebih lurus dan memberikan khabar gembira kepada orang-orang mukmin yang mengerjakan amal shaleh bahwa bagi mereka ada pahala yang besar. (QS Al-Isra’[17] :9)
Sangat bagus jika sejak anak dalam kandungan seolah-olah calon anak kita itu sudah terbiasa “hidup bersama” al-Quran; yakni ketika sang ibu yang mengandungnya, rajin membaca al-Quran . bca-quran
7M Agar Anak Selalu Hidup Bersama al-Quran
  1. Mengenalkan. Saat yang paling tepat mengenalkan alQuran adalah ketika anak sudah mulai tertarik dengan buku. Sayang, banyak orangtua yang lebih suka menyimpan al-Quran di rak lemari paling atas. Sesekali perlihatkanlah al-Quran kepada anak sebelum mereka mengenal buku buku lain, apalagi buku dengan gambar-gambar yang lebih menarik. Mengenalkan al-Quran juga bisa dilakukan dengan mengenalkan terlebih dulu huruf-huruf hijaiyah; bukan mengajarinya membaca, tetapi sekadar memperlihatkannya sebelum anak mengenal A, B, C. D. Tempelkan gambar-gambar tersebut ditempat yang sering dilihat anak; lengkapi dengan gambar dan warna yang menarik. Dengan sering melihat, anak akan terpancing untuk bertanya lebih lanjut. Saat itulah kita boleh memperkenalkan huruf-huruf al-Quran.
  2. Memperdengarkan. Memperdengarkan ayat-ayat al-Quran bisa dilakukan secara langsung atau dengan memutar kaset atau CD. Kalau ada teori yang mengatakan bahwa mendengarkan musik klasik pada janin dalam kandungan akan meningkatkan kecerdasan, insya Allah memperdengarkan al-Quran akan jauh lebih baik pengaruhnya bagi bayi. Apalagi jika ibunya yang membacanya sendiri. Ketika membaca alQuran, suasana hati dan pikiran ibu akan menjadi lebih khusyuk dari tenang. Kondisi seperti ini akan sangat membantu perkembangan psikologis janin yang ada dalam kandungan. Pasalnya, secara teoretis kondisi psikologis ibu tentu akan sangat berpengaruh pada perkembangan bayi, khususnya perkembangan psikologisnya. Kondisi stres pada Ibu tentu akan berpengaruh buruk pada kandungannya. Memperdengarkan al-Qurari bisa dilakukan kapan saja dan dimana saja; juga tidak mengenal batas usia anak. Untuk anak-anak yang belum bisa berbicara, insya Allah lantunan ayat al-Quran itu akan terekam dalam memorinya. Jangan aneh kalau tiba-tiba si kecil lancar melafalkan surat al-Fatihah, misalnya, begitu dia bisa berbicara. Untuk anak yang lebih besar, memperdengarkan ayat-ayat alQuran (surat-surat pendek) kepadanya terbukti memudahkan sang anak menghapalkannya.
  3. Menghapalkan. Menghapalkan al-Quran bisa dimulai sejak anak lancar berbicara. Mulailah dengan surat atau ayat yang pendek atau potongan ayat (misalnya fastabiq al-khayrat, hudan li an-nas, birr al-walidayn, dan sebagainya). Menghapal bisa dilakukan dengan cara sering-sering membacakan ayat-ayat tersebut kepada anak. Lalu latihlah anak untuk menirukannya. Hal ini dilakukan berulang-ulang sampai anak hapal di luar kepala. Masa anak-anak adalah masa meniru dan memiliki daya ingat yang luar biasa. Orangtua harus menggunakan kesempatan ini dengan baik jika tidak ingin menyesal kehilangan masa emas (golden age) pada anak. Agar anak lebih mudah mengingat, ayat yang sedang dihapal anak bisa juga sering dibaca ketika ayah menjadi imam atau ketika naik mobil dalam perjalanan. Disamping anak tidak mudah lupa, hal itu juga sebagai upaya membiasakan diri untuk mengisi kesibukan dengan amalan yang bermanfaat. Nabi saw. bersabda: Demi Zat Yang jiwaku ada di tangan-Nya, sesungguhnya hapalan Al-Qur’an itu lebih cepat lepasnya daripada seekor unta pada tambatannya. (HR al-Bukhari dan Muslim).
  4. Membaca. Siapa saja yang membaca satu huruf dari Kitab Allah maka dia. akan mendapat satu kebaikan. Satu kebaikan akan dibalas dengan sepuluh kali lipat. Aku tidak mengatakan bahwa alif-lam-mim adalah satu huruf. Akan tetapi, alif adalah satu huruf, lam satu huruf dan mim juga satu huruf. (HR at-Tirmidzi) . Sungguh luar biasa pahala dan kebaikan yang dijanjikan kepada siapa saja yang biasa membaca al-Quran. Bimbing dan doronglah anak agar terbiasa membaca al-Quran setiap hari walau cuma beberapa ayat. Orangtua penting memberikan contoh. Jadikanlah membaca al-Quran, utamanya pada pagi hari usai shalat subuh atau usai shalat magrib, sebagai kegiatan rutin dalam keluarga. Ajaklah anak-anak yang belum bisa membaca untuk bersama-sama mendengarkan kakak-kakaknya yang sedang membaca al-Quran. Orangtua mempunyai kewajiban untuk mengajarkan kaidah-kaidah dan adab membaca al-Quran. Untuk bisa membaca al-Quran, termasuk mengetahui kaidah-kaidahnya, sekarang ini tidaklah sulit. Telah banyak metode yang ditawarkan untuk bisa mudah dan cepat membaca. Ada metode Iqra, Qiroati dan sebagainya. Metode-metode itu telah terbukti memudahkan ribuan anak-anak bahkan orangtua untuk mahir membaca al-Quran. Alangkah baiknya membaca al-Quran ini dilakukan secara bersama-sama oleh anak-anak di bawah bimbingan orangtua. Ketika seorang anak membaca, yang lain menyemaknya. Jika anak salah membaca, yang lain bisa membetulkan. Dengan cara itu, rumah akan selalu dipenuhi dengan bacaan al-Quran sehingga berkahwin.
  5. Menulis. Belajar menulis akan mempermudah anak dalam belajar membaca al-Quran. Diktekan kepada anak kata-kata tertentu yang mempunyai makna. Dengan begitu, selain anak bisa menulis, sekaligus anak belajar bahasa Arab. Mulailah dengan kata-kata pendek. Misalnya, untuk mengenalkan tiga kata alif, ba, dan dal anak diminta menulis a, ba da (tolong tuliskan Arabnya, ya: a-ba-da) artinya diam; ba-da-a (yang ini juga) artinya mulai; dan sebagainya. Sesekali di rumah, coba adakan lomba menulis ayat al-Quran. Berilah hadiah untuk anak yang paling rapi menulis. Jika anak memiliki kemampuan yang lebih dalam menulis huruf al-Quran, ia bisa diajari lebih lanjut dengan mempelajari seni kaligrafi. Rangkaian huruf menjadi suku kata yang mengandung arti bertujuan untuk melatih anak dalam memperkaya kosakata, di samping memberikan kesempatan bagi mereka untuk bertanya tentang setiap kata yang diucapkan serta mengembangkan cita rasa seni mereka. Jadi, tidak hanya bertujuan mengenalkan huruf-alQuran semata.
  6. Mengkaji. Ajaklah anak mulai mengkaji isi al-Quran. Ayah bisa memimpinnya setelah shalat magrib atau subuh. Paling tidak, seminggu sekali kajian sekeluarga ini dilakukan. Tema yang dingkat bisa saja tema-tema yang ingin disampaikan berkaitan dengan perkembangan perilaku anak selama satu minggu atau beberapa hari. Kajian bersama, dengan merujuk pada satu atau dua ayat al-Quran ini, sekaligus dapat menjadi sarana tawsiyah untuk seluruh anggota keluarga. Sekali waktu, tema yang akan dikaji bisa diserahkan kepada anak-anak. Adakalanya anak diminta untuk memimpin kajian. Orangtua bisa memberi arahan atau koreksi jika ada hal-hal yang kurang tepat. Cara ini sekaligus untuk melatih keberanian anak menyampaikan isi al-Quran.
  7. Mengamalkan dan memperjuangkan AI-Quran. AI-Quran tentu tidak hanya untuk dibaca, dihapal dan dikaji. Justru yang paling penting adalah diamalkan seluruh isinya dan diperjuangkan agar benar-benar dapat menyinari kehidupan manusia. Sampaikan kepada anak tentang kewajiban mengamalkan serta memperjuangkan al-Quran dan pahala yang akan diraihnya. Insya Allah, hal ini akan memotivasi anak. Kepada anak juga bisa diceritakan tentang bagaimana para Sahabat dulu yang sangat teguh berpegang pada alQuran; ceritakan pula bagaimana mereka bersama Rasulullah sepanjang hidupnya berjuang agar al-Quran tegak dalam kehidupan.
Wallahu a’lam bi ash-shawab.
copyright@: arkibku. blogspot. com

baca selengkapnya ..

A good Moslem

Written by Munzir Almusawa   
Tuesday, 28 April 2009

قَالَ رسول الله صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ : أَنَّ رَجُلًا سَأَلَ النَّبِيَّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ أَيُّ الْإِسْلَامِ خَيْرٌ قَالَ تُطْعِمُ الطَّعَامَ وَتَقْرَأُ السَّلَامَ عَلَى مَنْ عَرَفْتَ وَمَنْ لَمْ تَعْرِفْ (صحيح البخاري

Rasulullah S.A.W declared: “A man asked Rasul S.A.W about a good Islam (a good Moslem), and Rasulullah S.A.W declared: “You distribute food, and extend greetings towards those you are familiar with as well as towards those you don’t know.” (Shahih Bukhari).

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Praise be to Allah, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful, The Cherisher and Sustainer of the Sun, Moon and the whole World, Spreading out the Kingdom on Earth and Sky as the symbol of Glory, The One Who makes each life belongs to Him (Allah S.W.T) and ended with death, Who makes human’s life ended with death and continued with the life after life, the eternal and forever life. Hence the guidance from all the Prophets are delivered, calling them towards the eternal happiness, until the Noble Prophet, the messenger of Allah’s Blessings, the messenger of the Righteous Light of God, the messenger of God’s guidance and Alqur’anul Karim, he is Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W.
No other mankind on earth is more blessed than those who follow Muhammad Rasulullah. The more they follow The Prophet S.A.W, the more gracious and happier they will be, the higher their rank will be and they will be given more nobility in the world and the life after. Allah S.W.T, The Greatest and The Most Powerful to Change Destiny, His Judgment assured nobility and changes towards happiness for the followers of Muhammad Rasulullah S.A.W. “Walladziina amanuu wa’amilushshaalihaati wa amanuu bima nuzzila ’alaa muhammadin wahuwal haqqu min rabbihim, kaffar ‘anhum sayyi’aatihim wa ashlaha baalahum” (QS. Muhammad : 2) (those who are faithful and perform good deeds and follow whatever taught by Muhammad, “wahuwal haqqu min rabbihim”, he is the truth from their God, the truth from The Cherisher of each life, the truth being delivered by The Sustainer and Owner of the Earth and Sky, sending His Truth in forms of guidance from Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W, “kaffara ‘anhum sayyi’aatihim wa ashlaha baalahum”, Allah forgives their sins and Allah mends their condition.
The more they mend their condition and their connection with Allah, the more they repair their days with the guidance from The Prophet S.A.W, Allah will wipe out their sins and Allah will mend their condition, the condition of their inner self, their heart, their feeling, their life, their job, their family, their life and death until they are raised in the yaumal qiyamah (The Judgment Day) will be repaired by Allah with the perfect revamp because they follow Sayyidina Muhammad SA.W.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is a temporary life, the gate towards the eternal life. This is our breath which will be definitely ended with the breath of sakaratul maut (agony of death) and will be separated with all you can see and hear.
This is the day of Idul Adha, the magnificent day from all the days glorified by Allah S.W.T and be glorified to those who glorify this day with the guidance from The Prophet S.A.W by increasing takbir (glorification of Allah by reciting ‘Allahu Akbar’) and tahlil with the words “Allahu Akbar.. Allahu Akbar.. Allahu Akbar.. Wa Lillahil-hamd”. It is recommended (sunnah) to recite takbir until sunset on the day of Idul Adha then continue to recite takbir in each of shalat fardhu and recommended until Ashar of the third day of Tasyriq (13 dzulhijjah).
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, Allah S.W.T declared the notification of the nobility towards the followers of the Prophet S.A.W. “yarfa’illahulladzina amanuu minkum walladzina uutuul i’lma darajaat” (QS. Mujadilah : 11) (Allah raises the rank of those of you who learn knowledge with the highest rank). We understand that the word “darajaat” means only rank or level, and we understand about rank, the heaven is like the sky and earth amongst one level with another level. If Allah said “darajaat” it means many of levels. Each time our knowledge is increased, the higher our level will be given by Allah in heaven. And also on earth, the closer we are to Allah, the closer we will be towards the oceans of The Greatest, The Owner of Happiness, The Powerful One Who Can Change any Situation. Some people would say, “if only reciting Al Qur’an, again and again, and attending majelis (religious gathering), when will we improve? Not enough by doing this and this life will end”. Ladies and gentlemen, remember The Most Powerful Who Can Change Situation from the beautiful one towards the worst situation, from disaster to pleasure or vice versa, from poverty to prosperity or vice versa, He is (Allah S.W.T) Who is Able To Change our Condition. When a servant walks on the path of Muhammad Rasulullah S.A.W, being promised by The Most Powerful that he will be given the most beautiful condition.
Ladies and gentlemen, the One Who promised this is The One Who Will Never Deny His Promises. Allah S.W.T declared “ask Me and I will answer your prayers”. Then we will ask “how about my day and night prayers which have yet to be granted by Allah?”. The answer is our being unaware that actually Allah answers our prayers more than what we ask for. We ask for ‘A’ (for instance), without we realizing it, Allah has wiped out 100 disasters that will come tomorrow. Our prayers are merely the trivial things but Allah The Most Gracious gives more than that.
Ladies and gentlemen, the answer from Allah is more than just a voice. Our prayers to Allah but we cannot hear the answers from The Great Answerer of any Prayers. The answers from Allah are not with voices and are not merely about granting the prayers, asking this and will be granted this, the Blessing from The Most Gracious is not that shallow. Asking for 1 thing, Allah will give 1000 things and it is possible for the Rabbul Alamin. Perhaps a servant asks for a trivial thing, Allah will give a more dignified thing or Allah will grant his prayer and Allah will add more that what he asks in his prayer and it is because He is (Allah SW.T) Who Named His Essence “Al Karim” (The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful).
Ladies and gentlemen, no one ask (pray for) Allah then lower his hands empty handed, unless they are filled with blessings. This is Allah and this is The Most Gracious from all His creatures and His Giving will always be prolific throughout the nights and days without we are realizing it. Perhaps we pray tonight on 1 wish, the day after Allah will grant it or if not, Allah will not grant it but Allah will wipe out so many disasters that will come the day after. This kind of thing is out of our hand, we don’t know, and if we know our destiny, we would never stop sujud (bowing down in shalat), we ask for God’s Love. If we could foresee the disaster that will come tomorrow, perhaps now we could stand up and tomorrow we face 1 disaster and paralyze for the rest of our life, perhaps today we could see but tomorrow we have 1 disaster and would not able to see, and many more tragedies that are possible to happen and these all will disappear in a flash with your prayers, ladies and gentlemen. “kaffara ‘anhum sayyiatihim wa ashlaha baalahum” (I wipe out their sins and I mend their condition), He is Allah The Most Powerful Who Can Change Situation and The Magnificent in all His Actions.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, If someone perform too much of religious duties, as Rasul S.A.W heard a woman performed religious duties until they were way too much, Rasul S.A.W declared, “what is this, too much worshipping?”, “innallahu la yamallu hatta tamallu’ ” (Allah will not get bored but all of you will get bored if performing too much religious duties). Nowadays, if people perform religious duties of Qabliyah, Ba’diyah and Tahajjud, it is already considered too much, while actually it is not too much at all. What is called by worshipping too much is leaving all activities for the sake of his religious duties, this is called too much. Prophet S.A.W said, “la yamallu hatta tamallu’ ” (Allah will never get bored until all of you get bored). Hence don’t force yourself beyond your capability.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, From this kind of nobility, Allah S.W.T guides us towards the most perfect guidance, the guidance that extended towards brotherhood amongst all mankind especially amongst Moslem people. Therefore Rasul S.A.W was asked as mentioned in the hadits we previously read, “anna rajulan sa’alannabiy s.a.w, someone asked Rasul S.A.W “ayyul islam khair”, meaning: which Moslem person has good deeds? Show me the good deeds in Islam. Indeed they are many, but The Prophet S.A.W gave 2 lessons which are magnificent if we study them. What are they? ”ith’amu tha’am (as written in Shahih Bukhari). “you distribute foods”. And now are the days of tasyrik, it is recommended to give free meat (after sacrificing cattle) as pious gift. Important to know that the distribution of meat from pious gift is for all Moslem people, and not only for the poor. Therefore, the rich people may also receive it. It is different than giving shadaqah (charitable gift) and zakat (obligatory alms), which are not allowed to be given to other than mustahiq (those eligible for receiving alms) among others: fuqara and masakin (poor people). If the free meat is allowed to be given to the rich and the poor as long as they are Moslems, because the meat from sacrificing cattle is the religious meals between Moslems towards those they know and those they don’t. “ith’amu tha’am” (distribute foods) said The Prophet S.A.W. Don’t differentiate the Moslems and the poor only, those who are not poor can also be treated meals by you, but certainly the more appropriate ones are the poor. Hence if the meat from sacrificing cattle is given to the poor or the rich, the poor is more eligible indeed. But if you want to give it to the wealthy, there is no prohibition because it is also sunnah (recommended) as well as they are Moslems, because the meat is the religious treat amongst Moslems, the one they recognize and those they don’t.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, Alhamdulillah, this year Majelis Rasulullah S.A.W has been entrusted 13 sheep by one of our brothers from Sidney, Australia for sacrificial ceremony here (at Majelis Rasulullah S.A.W) and also 1 from our majelis member in Jakarta, hence this year there are a total of 14 sheep. The 13 are from Sidney, Australia and 1 sheep from Jakarta, as well as 1 cow from the Governor of Jakarta H. Fauzi Bowo to Majelis Rasulullah S.A.W. Therefore, this year Majelis Rasulullah S.A.W sacrificed 14 sheep and 1 cow, Alhamdulillah May Allah glorify those who have entrusted their sacrificing cattle at Majelis Rasulullah S.A.W.
“ith’amu tha’am” (distribute food) towards people you know and those you don’t know, wa aqri’ussalam alaa man arafta ma alaa man lam ta'rif (and extend greetings towards those you know and those you don’t know). Extend the greeting is not only to those we know, without we realize it, those we don’t know if we extend our greeting for them because of Allah we will get rewards from Allah, by extending the Name of Allah “Assalam” (is the Name of Allah The Cherisher). Assalamu’alaikum means The Supreme Being Who bestows prosperity to all of you, that is the meaning of the word Assalamu’alaikum. Therefore when someone recites Assalamu’alaikum, it is dzikir (recitation) because the word Assalam is Allah’s Name.
Ladies and gentlemen, Sayyidina Ibn Umar radhiyallahu anhuma as written in Adabul Mufrad by Imam Bukhari, every morning Ibn Umar went out and people asked, “you are going to market, did you go for shopping?, passing by that alley and this alley, passing by that house and this house, then going home, what for? Going out without silaturahmi (ties of relationship) towards someone, going to market without shopping, then returning home, going out for awhile then again returning home”, he answered, “I go out only for extending the word Assalam”. If a Moslem passes by, say “Assalamu’alaikum”, even only for this greetings I would leave home. Thus, people leave home for many reasons, some leave home for business, some for school, while the Pious People would remember the Magnificent of Allah’s Name. Assalam, he left his house simply to extend greetings and then returned home.
Sayyidina Anas bin Malik radhiyallahu anhum as written in Adabul Mufrad by Imam Bukhari, whenever he went out from his house, he rub a perfume on his right hand. We often saw this, why? Sayyidina Anas said, “to glorify those who shake hand with me”. One way to glorify them is by applying perfume on my hand, so those who shake my hand would have nice fragrant on their hand. Where did you learn this? from Rasulullah S.A.W. The beauty of His character.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, In one occasion a few years a go, one of my friends is an old man, he is around 60 years old. He has 6 children. He was about to travel across from Lampung to Merak harbor. At the harbor in Lampung, he already bought the tickets, but unfortunately he was conned. His tickets were stolen while he already spent money and he was a poor man. But he got 1 acknowledgment, when passing by 1 man with a malevolent face (perhaps he was a bad guy in that area), the old man extended greeting. Because this old man wherever he goes, he always greets anyone whom he thought was a Moslem, although the person looks unfriendly or even a cruel guy at the harbor. “Assalamu’alaikum”, was not answered. Perhaps we already know that at the harbor, there are many unfriendly people, while only some are friendly and nice. Being greeted nicely, the guy didn’t answer, he was just quiet. Hence the old man passed by with his wife and children.
When the old man was conned, he was panic and screamed, “my tickets were stolen, I have paid”. The bad guy who was greeted with salam but didn’t answer was among the crowd, he asked “what happen?”, “my tickets were stolen”. “what’s the characteristic of that swindler?”, “like this….like this…”, “oh.. OK calm down”, not long after, the man with that cruel face came with the swindler who had stolen the tickets and he was then forced to return the money. “why did you deceive this old man, this old man is my brother...!”. although in reality he didn’t know the old man, he was just greeted by the old man while he didn’t answer it, but that greeting went through his heart. His lips were not answering, his face was frowned but that greeting went through his heart and he was touched. Perhaps in his whole life seldom people extended greeting for him. He felt like a bad guy, conducting a lot of crimes and made people sick of him. But there was an old man extended greeting towards him, and now the old man was conned, he defended him until declaring “this is my brother, why did you cheat on him?”, although he just know that old man at that time because he extended greeting. There, ladies and gentlemen, the beauty of sunnah from Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Therefore, support the magnificent of sunnah from The Prophet S.A.W by extending greeting towards those we know and those we don’t know.
Rasul S.A.W declared, “la yukminu ahadukum hatta yuhibba li akhiihi maa yuhibbu linafsih” (not perfect someone’s faith until he wishes all the good things occur to him, will also happen to all his brothers), as written in Shahih Bukhari. If he has joy he wishes for heaven, he also wishes other people to go to heaven, if he wishes for pleasure, he wishes the same thing also for all Moslems. This is the perfection of faith. What is the meaning? The higher the level of someone’s faith, the more he will not become hostile to Moslems. The higher his rank is, the more he wishes for all Moslems to get nobility, if he performs the 5 time obligatory prayers, he wishes all Moslems will perform the 5 times shalat, if he wants to be in heaven, he wishes all Moslems to be in heaven as well. This kind of soul is the reflection of Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W. When his enemies threw him with tones and chased him, he prayed “Allahummahdiy Qaumiy fa innahum laa ya’lamuun”. He defended those who threw stones towards him, defended by his prayer: “O’ Allah give them guidance because they don’t know.” The Prophet S.A.W defended those who threw stones towards him S.A.W.
This is the peak of moral’s perfection of Nabiyyuna wa Sayyiduna Muhammad S.A.W. And in terms of relationship amongst us, Allah S.W.T has ordered us to follow The Prophet S.A.W the best we could, in which Allah will expand His blessings with such noble soul like the one of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, that proves the Greatest of Islam from West to East. He was not a rich person who could visit all lands from West to East to deliver the words of Tauhid. He was not an authority who could organize thousands of people to deliver his guidance from West to East. He was simply followed by few slaves and young people, which were grown in numbers, organizing the improvement of people’s faith in Mecca, until they were evicted from Mecca, they continued to make improvement of people’s faith in Medina, and slowly continued to expand throughout the world. Until today, 14 centuries after he (Prophet S.A.W) passed away, the improvement of people’s faith is continued by the souls that convey the nobility of spirit of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, On this night of Idul Adha, I would like to convey that this majelis (religious gathering) has no holidays. Insya Allah, this Monday-night-Majelis will never stop until yaumal qiyamah, Amin Allahumma Amin. As long as I live, Insya Allah I will always attend this Majelis every Monday night. My beloved audience, if any of you ever heard such news proclaiming that next Monday night will be a holiday, kindly ignore it, as it’s not true. This majelis will continue, even during the month of Ramadhan, or the night of Ied Fitri, we will recite takbir (Allahu akbar) together in this majelis. To those who are able to attend, please do, while those who are not able to attend, now you may also listen to RASfm Radio with the intention to attend to get the rewards from Allah S.W.T.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, We perform silent prayer for the management and improvement of people on the land of Jakarta and its surrounding, as well as for our Moslem brothers especially Ustadz Kadir Anggaluly whom in few days would return to his hometown in West Irian, may Allah S.W.T gives him strength and protection from the enemies of Islam. May there will be more Moslem members who will start to recognize shalat, Amin Allahumma Amin. And also for the boarding school students who stay here, especially KH. Ahmad Baihaqi, may Allah S.W.T pour him with abundance of help and easiness in maintaining dakwah (religious lessons) and may all these new, young students be given peace and comfort while staying in Jakarta to study.
Ya Rabbiy Ya Rahman we perform silent prayer towards Your Presence on this day of Idul Adha and in tasyrik days which still have the Dignity and Magnificence of Dzulhijjah, Rabbiy we perform silent prayer to Your Presence The Almighty to beg for all the secret of Your Generosity towards all of our problems. Rabbiy Rabbiy The Most Powerful, O’ The One Who Can Change Any Condition, kindly change our condition with the best dhahiran wa bathinan (body and soul) in the world and beyond, kindly change the condition of our upcoming days with the best ones in happiness in the world and beyond, in the easiness in the world and beyond, in the happiness in the world and beyond.
Ya Rahman Ya Rahim Ya Dzaljalali wal ikram Ya Dzaththauli wal in’am
Faquuluuu jamii’an (recite it together) Ya Allah..Ya Allah..Ya Allah..
Faquuluuu jamii’an (recite it together) Laillahailallah
Laillahailallah Laillahailallah Muhammadurrasulullah Washallallahu ala Sayyidina Muhammad Nabiyyil Ummiy wa Shohbihi wa Sallam
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 28 April 2009 )

Written by Munzir Almusawa   
Tuesday, 28 April 2009

قَالَ رسول الله صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ : أَنَّ رَجُلًا سَأَلَ النَّبِيَّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ أَيُّ الْإِسْلَامِ خَيْرٌ قَالَ تُطْعِمُ الطَّعَامَ وَتَقْرَأُ السَّلَامَ عَلَى مَنْ عَرَفْتَ وَمَنْ لَمْ تَعْرِفْ (صحيح البخاري

Rasulullah S.A.W declared: “A man asked Rasul S.A.W about a good Islam (a good Moslem), and Rasulullah S.A.W declared: “You distribute food, and extend greetings towards those you are familiar with as well as towards those you don’t know.” (Shahih Bukhari).

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Praise be to Allah, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful, The Cherisher and Sustainer of the Sun, Moon and the whole World, Spreading out the Kingdom on Earth and Sky as the symbol of Glory, The One Who makes each life belongs to Him (Allah S.W.T) and ended with death, Who makes human’s life ended with death and continued with the life after life, the eternal and forever life. Hence the guidance from all the Prophets are delivered, calling them towards the eternal happiness, until the Noble Prophet, the messenger of Allah’s Blessings, the messenger of the Righteous Light of God, the messenger of God’s guidance and Alqur’anul Karim, he is Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W.
No other mankind on earth is more blessed than those who follow Muhammad Rasulullah. The more they follow The Prophet S.A.W, the more gracious and happier they will be, the higher their rank will be and they will be given more nobility in the world and the life after. Allah S.W.T, The Greatest and The Most Powerful to Change Destiny, His Judgment assured nobility and changes towards happiness for the followers of Muhammad Rasulullah S.A.W. “Walladziina amanuu wa’amilushshaalihaati wa amanuu bima nuzzila ’alaa muhammadin wahuwal haqqu min rabbihim, kaffar ‘anhum sayyi’aatihim wa ashlaha baalahum” (QS. Muhammad : 2) (those who are faithful and perform good deeds and follow whatever taught by Muhammad, “wahuwal haqqu min rabbihim”, he is the truth from their God, the truth from The Cherisher of each life, the truth being delivered by The Sustainer and Owner of the Earth and Sky, sending His Truth in forms of guidance from Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W, “kaffara ‘anhum sayyi’aatihim wa ashlaha baalahum”, Allah forgives their sins and Allah mends their condition.
The more they mend their condition and their connection with Allah, the more they repair their days with the guidance from The Prophet S.A.W, Allah will wipe out their sins and Allah will mend their condition, the condition of their inner self, their heart, their feeling, their life, their job, their family, their life and death until they are raised in the yaumal qiyamah (The Judgment Day) will be repaired by Allah with the perfect revamp because they follow Sayyidina Muhammad SA.W.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is a temporary life, the gate towards the eternal life. This is our breath which will be definitely ended with the breath of sakaratul maut (agony of death) and will be separated with all you can see and hear.
This is the day of Idul Adha, the magnificent day from all the days glorified by Allah S.W.T and be glorified to those who glorify this day with the guidance from The Prophet S.A.W by increasing takbir (glorification of Allah by reciting ‘Allahu Akbar’) and tahlil with the words “Allahu Akbar.. Allahu Akbar.. Allahu Akbar.. Wa Lillahil-hamd”. It is recommended (sunnah) to recite takbir until sunset on the day of Idul Adha then continue to recite takbir in each of shalat fardhu and recommended until Ashar of the third day of Tasyriq (13 dzulhijjah).
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, Allah S.W.T declared the notification of the nobility towards the followers of the Prophet S.A.W. “yarfa’illahulladzina amanuu minkum walladzina uutuul i’lma darajaat” (QS. Mujadilah : 11) (Allah raises the rank of those of you who learn knowledge with the highest rank). We understand that the word “darajaat” means only rank or level, and we understand about rank, the heaven is like the sky and earth amongst one level with another level. If Allah said “darajaat” it means many of levels. Each time our knowledge is increased, the higher our level will be given by Allah in heaven. And also on earth, the closer we are to Allah, the closer we will be towards the oceans of The Greatest, The Owner of Happiness, The Powerful One Who Can Change any Situation. Some people would say, “if only reciting Al Qur’an, again and again, and attending majelis (religious gathering), when will we improve? Not enough by doing this and this life will end”. Ladies and gentlemen, remember The Most Powerful Who Can Change Situation from the beautiful one towards the worst situation, from disaster to pleasure or vice versa, from poverty to prosperity or vice versa, He is (Allah S.W.T) Who is Able To Change our Condition. When a servant walks on the path of Muhammad Rasulullah S.A.W, being promised by The Most Powerful that he will be given the most beautiful condition.
Ladies and gentlemen, the One Who promised this is The One Who Will Never Deny His Promises. Allah S.W.T declared “ask Me and I will answer your prayers”. Then we will ask “how about my day and night prayers which have yet to be granted by Allah?”. The answer is our being unaware that actually Allah answers our prayers more than what we ask for. We ask for ‘A’ (for instance), without we realizing it, Allah has wiped out 100 disasters that will come tomorrow. Our prayers are merely the trivial things but Allah The Most Gracious gives more than that.
Ladies and gentlemen, the answer from Allah is more than just a voice. Our prayers to Allah but we cannot hear the answers from The Great Answerer of any Prayers. The answers from Allah are not with voices and are not merely about granting the prayers, asking this and will be granted this, the Blessing from The Most Gracious is not that shallow. Asking for 1 thing, Allah will give 1000 things and it is possible for the Rabbul Alamin. Perhaps a servant asks for a trivial thing, Allah will give a more dignified thing or Allah will grant his prayer and Allah will add more that what he asks in his prayer and it is because He is (Allah SW.T) Who Named His Essence “Al Karim” (The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful).
Ladies and gentlemen, no one ask (pray for) Allah then lower his hands empty handed, unless they are filled with blessings. This is Allah and this is The Most Gracious from all His creatures and His Giving will always be prolific throughout the nights and days without we are realizing it. Perhaps we pray tonight on 1 wish, the day after Allah will grant it or if not, Allah will not grant it but Allah will wipe out so many disasters that will come the day after. This kind of thing is out of our hand, we don’t know, and if we know our destiny, we would never stop sujud (bowing down in shalat), we ask for God’s Love. If we could foresee the disaster that will come tomorrow, perhaps now we could stand up and tomorrow we face 1 disaster and paralyze for the rest of our life, perhaps today we could see but tomorrow we have 1 disaster and would not able to see, and many more tragedies that are possible to happen and these all will disappear in a flash with your prayers, ladies and gentlemen. “kaffara ‘anhum sayyiatihim wa ashlaha baalahum” (I wipe out their sins and I mend their condition), He is Allah The Most Powerful Who Can Change Situation and The Magnificent in all His Actions.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, If someone perform too much of religious duties, as Rasul S.A.W heard a woman performed religious duties until they were way too much, Rasul S.A.W declared, “what is this, too much worshipping?”, “innallahu la yamallu hatta tamallu’ ” (Allah will not get bored but all of you will get bored if performing too much religious duties). Nowadays, if people perform religious duties of Qabliyah, Ba’diyah and Tahajjud, it is already considered too much, while actually it is not too much at all. What is called by worshipping too much is leaving all activities for the sake of his religious duties, this is called too much. Prophet S.A.W said, “la yamallu hatta tamallu’ ” (Allah will never get bored until all of you get bored). Hence don’t force yourself beyond your capability.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, From this kind of nobility, Allah S.W.T guides us towards the most perfect guidance, the guidance that extended towards brotherhood amongst all mankind especially amongst Moslem people. Therefore Rasul S.A.W was asked as mentioned in the hadits we previously read, “anna rajulan sa’alannabiy s.a.w, someone asked Rasul S.A.W “ayyul islam khair”, meaning: which Moslem person has good deeds? Show me the good deeds in Islam. Indeed they are many, but The Prophet S.A.W gave 2 lessons which are magnificent if we study them. What are they? ”ith’amu tha’am (as written in Shahih Bukhari). “you distribute foods”. And now are the days of tasyrik, it is recommended to give free meat (after sacrificing cattle) as pious gift. Important to know that the distribution of meat from pious gift is for all Moslem people, and not only for the poor. Therefore, the rich people may also receive it. It is different than giving shadaqah (charitable gift) and zakat (obligatory alms), which are not allowed to be given to other than mustahiq (those eligible for receiving alms) among others: fuqara and masakin (poor people). If the free meat is allowed to be given to the rich and the poor as long as they are Moslems, because the meat from sacrificing cattle is the religious meals between Moslems towards those they know and those they don’t. “ith’amu tha’am” (distribute foods) said The Prophet S.A.W. Don’t differentiate the Moslems and the poor only, those who are not poor can also be treated meals by you, but certainly the more appropriate ones are the poor. Hence if the meat from sacrificing cattle is given to the poor or the rich, the poor is more eligible indeed. But if you want to give it to the wealthy, there is no prohibition because it is also sunnah (recommended) as well as they are Moslems, because the meat is the religious treat amongst Moslems, the one they recognize and those they don’t.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, Alhamdulillah, this year Majelis Rasulullah S.A.W has been entrusted 13 sheep by one of our brothers from Sidney, Australia for sacrificial ceremony here (at Majelis Rasulullah S.A.W) and also 1 from our majelis member in Jakarta, hence this year there are a total of 14 sheep. The 13 are from Sidney, Australia and 1 sheep from Jakarta, as well as 1 cow from the Governor of Jakarta H. Fauzi Bowo to Majelis Rasulullah S.A.W. Therefore, this year Majelis Rasulullah S.A.W sacrificed 14 sheep and 1 cow, Alhamdulillah May Allah glorify those who have entrusted their sacrificing cattle at Majelis Rasulullah S.A.W.
“ith’amu tha’am” (distribute food) towards people you know and those you don’t know, wa aqri’ussalam alaa man arafta ma alaa man lam ta'rif (and extend greetings towards those you know and those you don’t know). Extend the greeting is not only to those we know, without we realize it, those we don’t know if we extend our greeting for them because of Allah we will get rewards from Allah, by extending the Name of Allah “Assalam” (is the Name of Allah The Cherisher). Assalamu’alaikum means The Supreme Being Who bestows prosperity to all of you, that is the meaning of the word Assalamu’alaikum. Therefore when someone recites Assalamu’alaikum, it is dzikir (recitation) because the word Assalam is Allah’s Name.
Ladies and gentlemen, Sayyidina Ibn Umar radhiyallahu anhuma as written in Adabul Mufrad by Imam Bukhari, every morning Ibn Umar went out and people asked, “you are going to market, did you go for shopping?, passing by that alley and this alley, passing by that house and this house, then going home, what for? Going out without silaturahmi (ties of relationship) towards someone, going to market without shopping, then returning home, going out for awhile then again returning home”, he answered, “I go out only for extending the word Assalam”. If a Moslem passes by, say “Assalamu’alaikum”, even only for this greetings I would leave home. Thus, people leave home for many reasons, some leave home for business, some for school, while the Pious People would remember the Magnificent of Allah’s Name. Assalam, he left his house simply to extend greetings and then returned home.
Sayyidina Anas bin Malik radhiyallahu anhum as written in Adabul Mufrad by Imam Bukhari, whenever he went out from his house, he rub a perfume on his right hand. We often saw this, why? Sayyidina Anas said, “to glorify those who shake hand with me”. One way to glorify them is by applying perfume on my hand, so those who shake my hand would have nice fragrant on their hand. Where did you learn this? from Rasulullah S.A.W. The beauty of His character.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, In one occasion a few years a go, one of my friends is an old man, he is around 60 years old. He has 6 children. He was about to travel across from Lampung to Merak harbor. At the harbor in Lampung, he already bought the tickets, but unfortunately he was conned. His tickets were stolen while he already spent money and he was a poor man. But he got 1 acknowledgment, when passing by 1 man with a malevolent face (perhaps he was a bad guy in that area), the old man extended greeting. Because this old man wherever he goes, he always greets anyone whom he thought was a Moslem, although the person looks unfriendly or even a cruel guy at the harbor. “Assalamu’alaikum”, was not answered. Perhaps we already know that at the harbor, there are many unfriendly people, while only some are friendly and nice. Being greeted nicely, the guy didn’t answer, he was just quiet. Hence the old man passed by with his wife and children.
When the old man was conned, he was panic and screamed, “my tickets were stolen, I have paid”. The bad guy who was greeted with salam but didn’t answer was among the crowd, he asked “what happen?”, “my tickets were stolen”. “what’s the characteristic of that swindler?”, “like this….like this…”, “oh.. OK calm down”, not long after, the man with that cruel face came with the swindler who had stolen the tickets and he was then forced to return the money. “why did you deceive this old man, this old man is my brother...!”. although in reality he didn’t know the old man, he was just greeted by the old man while he didn’t answer it, but that greeting went through his heart. His lips were not answering, his face was frowned but that greeting went through his heart and he was touched. Perhaps in his whole life seldom people extended greeting for him. He felt like a bad guy, conducting a lot of crimes and made people sick of him. But there was an old man extended greeting towards him, and now the old man was conned, he defended him until declaring “this is my brother, why did you cheat on him?”, although he just know that old man at that time because he extended greeting. There, ladies and gentlemen, the beauty of sunnah from Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Therefore, support the magnificent of sunnah from The Prophet S.A.W by extending greeting towards those we know and those we don’t know.
Rasul S.A.W declared, “la yukminu ahadukum hatta yuhibba li akhiihi maa yuhibbu linafsih” (not perfect someone’s faith until he wishes all the good things occur to him, will also happen to all his brothers), as written in Shahih Bukhari. If he has joy he wishes for heaven, he also wishes other people to go to heaven, if he wishes for pleasure, he wishes the same thing also for all Moslems. This is the perfection of faith. What is the meaning? The higher the level of someone’s faith, the more he will not become hostile to Moslems. The higher his rank is, the more he wishes for all Moslems to get nobility, if he performs the 5 time obligatory prayers, he wishes all Moslems will perform the 5 times shalat, if he wants to be in heaven, he wishes all Moslems to be in heaven as well. This kind of soul is the reflection of Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W. When his enemies threw him with tones and chased him, he prayed “Allahummahdiy Qaumiy fa innahum laa ya’lamuun”. He defended those who threw stones towards him, defended by his prayer: “O’ Allah give them guidance because they don’t know.” The Prophet S.A.W defended those who threw stones towards him S.A.W.
This is the peak of moral’s perfection of Nabiyyuna wa Sayyiduna Muhammad S.A.W. And in terms of relationship amongst us, Allah S.W.T has ordered us to follow The Prophet S.A.W the best we could, in which Allah will expand His blessings with such noble soul like the one of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, that proves the Greatest of Islam from West to East. He was not a rich person who could visit all lands from West to East to deliver the words of Tauhid. He was not an authority who could organize thousands of people to deliver his guidance from West to East. He was simply followed by few slaves and young people, which were grown in numbers, organizing the improvement of people’s faith in Mecca, until they were evicted from Mecca, they continued to make improvement of people’s faith in Medina, and slowly continued to expand throughout the world. Until today, 14 centuries after he (Prophet S.A.W) passed away, the improvement of people’s faith is continued by the souls that convey the nobility of spirit of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, On this night of Idul Adha, I would like to convey that this majelis (religious gathering) has no holidays. Insya Allah, this Monday-night-Majelis will never stop until yaumal qiyamah, Amin Allahumma Amin. As long as I live, Insya Allah I will always attend this Majelis every Monday night. My beloved audience, if any of you ever heard such news proclaiming that next Monday night will be a holiday, kindly ignore it, as it’s not true. This majelis will continue, even during the month of Ramadhan, or the night of Ied Fitri, we will recite takbir (Allahu akbar) together in this majelis. To those who are able to attend, please do, while those who are not able to attend, now you may also listen to RASfm Radio with the intention to attend to get the rewards from Allah S.W.T.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, We perform silent prayer for the management and improvement of people on the land of Jakarta and its surrounding, as well as for our Moslem brothers especially Ustadz Kadir Anggaluly whom in few days would return to his hometown in West Irian, may Allah S.W.T gives him strength and protection from the enemies of Islam. May there will be more Moslem members who will start to recognize shalat, Amin Allahumma Amin. And also for the boarding school students who stay here, especially KH. Ahmad Baihaqi, may Allah S.W.T pour him with abundance of help and easiness in maintaining dakwah (religious lessons) and may all these new, young students be given peace and comfort while staying in Jakarta to study.
Ya Rabbiy Ya Rahman we perform silent prayer towards Your Presence on this day of Idul Adha and in tasyrik days which still have the Dignity and Magnificence of Dzulhijjah, Rabbiy we perform silent prayer to Your Presence The Almighty to beg for all the secret of Your Generosity towards all of our problems. Rabbiy Rabbiy The Most Powerful, O’ The One Who Can Change Any Condition, kindly change our condition with the best dhahiran wa bathinan (body and soul) in the world and beyond, kindly change the condition of our upcoming days with the best ones in happiness in the world and beyond, in the easiness in the world and beyond, in the happiness in the world and beyond.
Ya Rahman Ya Rahim Ya Dzaljalali wal ikram Ya Dzaththauli wal in’am
Faquuluuu jamii’an (recite it together) Ya Allah..Ya Allah..Ya Allah..
Faquuluuu jamii’an (recite it together) Laillahailallah
Laillahailallah Laillahailallah Muhammadurrasulullah Washallallahu ala Sayyidina Muhammad Nabiyyil Ummiy wa Shohbihi wa Sallam
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 28 April 2009 )

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A good Moslem

Written by Munzir Almusawa   
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
A Good Moslem, Monday 8th December 2008

قَالَ رسول الله صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ : أَنَّ رَجُلًا سَأَلَ النَّبِيَّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ أَيُّ الْإِسْلَامِ خَيْرٌ قَالَ تُطْعِمُ الطَّعَامَ وَتَقْرَأُ السَّلَامَ عَلَى مَنْ عَرَفْتَ وَمَنْ لَمْ تَعْرِفْ (صحيح البخاري

Rasulullah S.A.W declared: “A man asked Rasul S.A.W about a good Islam (a good Moslem), and Rasulullah S.A.W declared: “You distribute food, and extend greetings towards those you are familiar with as well as towards those you don’t know.” (Shahih Bukhari).

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Praise be to Allah, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful, The Cherisher and Sustainer of the Sun, Moon and the whole World, Spreading out the Kingdom on Earth and Sky as the symbol of Glory, The One Who makes each life belongs to Him (Allah S.W.T) and ended with death, Who makes human’s life ended with death and continued with the life after life, the eternal and forever life. Hence the guidance from all the Prophets are delivered, calling them towards the eternal happiness, until the Noble Prophet, the messenger of Allah’s Blessings, the messenger of the Righteous Light of God, the messenger of God’s guidance and Alqur’anul Karim, he is Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W.
No other mankind on earth is more blessed than those who follow Muhammad Rasulullah. The more they follow The Prophet S.A.W, the more gracious and happier they will be, the higher their rank will be and they will be given more nobility in the world and the life after. Allah S.W.T, The Greatest and The Most Powerful to Change Destiny, His Judgment assured nobility and changes towards happiness for the followers of Muhammad Rasulullah S.A.W. “Walladziina amanuu wa’amilushshaalihaati wa amanuu bima nuzzila ’alaa muhammadin wahuwal haqqu min rabbihim, kaffar ‘anhum sayyi’aatihim wa ashlaha baalahum” (QS. Muhammad : 2) (those who are faithful and perform good deeds and follow whatever taught by Muhammad, “wahuwal haqqu min rabbihim”, he is the truth from their God, the truth from The Cherisher of each life, the truth being delivered by The Sustainer and Owner of the Earth and Sky, sending His Truth in forms of guidance from Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W, “kaffara ‘anhum sayyi’aatihim wa ashlaha baalahum”, Allah forgives their sins and Allah mends their condition.
The more they mend their condition and their connection with Allah, the more they repair their days with the guidance from The Prophet S.A.W, Allah will wipe out their sins and Allah will mend their condition, the condition of their inner self, their heart, their feeling, their life, their job, their family, their life and death until they are raised in the yaumal qiyamah (The Judgment Day) will be repaired by Allah with the perfect revamp because they follow Sayyidina Muhammad SA.W.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is a temporary life, the gate towards the eternal life. This is our breath which will be definitely ended with the breath of sakaratul maut (agony of death) and will be separated with all you can see and hear.
This is the day of Idul Adha, the magnificent day from all the days glorified by Allah S.W.T and be glorified to those who glorify this day with the guidance from The Prophet S.A.W by increasing takbir (glorification of Allah by reciting ‘Allahu Akbar’) and tahlil with the words “Allahu Akbar.. Allahu Akbar.. Allahu Akbar.. Wa Lillahil-hamd”. It is recommended (sunnah) to recite takbir until sunset on the day of Idul Adha then continue to recite takbir in each of shalat fardhu and recommended until Ashar of the third day of Tasyriq (13 dzulhijjah).
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, Allah S.W.T declared the notification of the nobility towards the followers of the Prophet S.A.W. “yarfa’illahulladzina amanuu minkum walladzina uutuul i’lma darajaat” (QS. Mujadilah : 11) (Allah raises the rank of those of you who learn knowledge with the highest rank). We understand that the word “darajaat” means only rank or level, and we understand about rank, the heaven is like the sky and earth amongst one level with another level. If Allah said “darajaat” it means many of levels. Each time our knowledge is increased, the higher our level will be given by Allah in heaven. And also on earth, the closer we are to Allah, the closer we will be towards the oceans of The Greatest, The Owner of Happiness, The Powerful One Who Can Change any Situation. Some people would say, “if only reciting Al Qur’an, again and again, and attending majelis (religious gathering), when will we improve? Not enough by doing this and this life will end”. Ladies and gentlemen, remember The Most Powerful Who Can Change Situation from the beautiful one towards the worst situation, from disaster to pleasure or vice versa, from poverty to prosperity or vice versa, He is (Allah S.W.T) Who is Able To Change our Condition. When a servant walks on the path of Muhammad Rasulullah S.A.W, being promised by The Most Powerful that he will be given the most beautiful condition.
Ladies and gentlemen, the One Who promised this is The One Who Will Never Deny His Promises. Allah S.W.T declared “ask Me and I will answer your prayers”. Then we will ask “how about my day and night prayers which have yet to be granted by Allah?”. The answer is our being unaware that actually Allah answers our prayers more than what we ask for. We ask for ‘A’ (for instance), without we realizing it, Allah has wiped out 100 disasters that will come tomorrow. Our prayers are merely the trivial things but Allah The Most Gracious gives more than that.
Ladies and gentlemen, the answer from Allah is more than just a voice. Our prayers to Allah but we cannot hear the answers from The Great Answerer of any Prayers. The answers from Allah are not with voices and are not merely about granting the prayers, asking this and will be granted this, the Blessing from The Most Gracious is not that shallow. Asking for 1 thing, Allah will give 1000 things and it is possible for the Rabbul Alamin. Perhaps a servant asks for a trivial thing, Allah will give a more dignified thing or Allah will grant his prayer and Allah will add more that what he asks in his prayer and it is because He is (Allah SW.T) Who Named His Essence “Al Karim” (The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful).
Ladies and gentlemen, no one ask (pray for) Allah then lower his hands empty handed, unless they are filled with blessings. This is Allah and this is The Most Gracious from all His creatures and His Giving will always be prolific throughout the nights and days without we are realizing it. Perhaps we pray tonight on 1 wish, the day after Allah will grant it or if not, Allah will not grant it but Allah will wipe out so many disasters that will come the day after. This kind of thing is out of our hand, we don’t know, and if we know our destiny, we would never stop sujud (bowing down in shalat), we ask for God’s Love. If we could foresee the disaster that will come tomorrow, perhaps now we could stand up and tomorrow we face 1 disaster and paralyze for the rest of our life, perhaps today we could see but tomorrow we have 1 disaster and would not able to see, and many more tragedies that are possible to happen and these all will disappear in a flash with your prayers, ladies and gentlemen. “kaffara ‘anhum sayyiatihim wa ashlaha baalahum” (I wipe out their sins and I mend their condition), He is Allah The Most Powerful Who Can Change Situation and The Magnificent in all His Actions.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, If someone perform too much of religious duties, as Rasul S.A.W heard a woman performed religious duties until they were way too much, Rasul S.A.W declared, “what is this, too much worshipping?”, “innallahu la yamallu hatta tamallu’ ” (Allah will not get bored but all of you will get bored if performing too much religious duties). Nowadays, if people perform religious duties of Qabliyah, Ba’diyah and Tahajjud, it is already considered too much, while actually it is not too much at all. What is called by worshipping too much is leaving all activities for the sake of his religious duties, this is called too much. Prophet S.A.W said, “la yamallu hatta tamallu’ ” (Allah will never get bored until all of you get bored). Hence don’t force yourself beyond your capability.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, From this kind of nobility, Allah S.W.T guides us towards the most perfect guidance, the guidance that extended towards brotherhood amongst all mankind especially amongst Moslem people. Therefore Rasul S.A.W was asked as mentioned in the hadits we previously read, “anna rajulan sa’alannabiy s.a.w, someone asked Rasul S.A.W “ayyul islam khair”, meaning: which Moslem person has good deeds? Show me the good deeds in Islam. Indeed they are many, but The Prophet S.A.W gave 2 lessons which are magnificent if we study them. What are they? ”ith’amu tha’am (as written in Shahih Bukhari). “you distribute foods”. And now are the days of tasyrik, it is recommended to give free meat (after sacrificing cattle) as pious gift. Important to know that the distribution of meat from pious gift is for all Moslem people, and not only for the poor. Therefore, the rich people may also receive it. It is different than giving shadaqah (charitable gift) and zakat (obligatory alms), which are not allowed to be given to other than mustahiq (those eligible for receiving alms) among others: fuqara and masakin (poor people). If the free meat is allowed to be given to the rich and the poor as long as they are Moslems, because the meat from sacrificing cattle is the religious meals between Moslems towards those they know and those they don’t. “ith’amu tha’am” (distribute foods) said The Prophet S.A.W. Don’t differentiate the Moslems and the poor only, those who are not poor can also be treated meals by you, but certainly the more appropriate ones are the poor. Hence if the meat from sacrificing cattle is given to the poor or the rich, the poor is more eligible indeed. But if you want to give it to the wealthy, there is no prohibition because it is also sunnah (recommended) as well as they are Moslems, because the meat is the religious treat amongst Moslems, the one they recognize and those they don’t.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, Alhamdulillah, this year Majelis Rasulullah S.A.W has been entrusted 13 sheep by one of our brothers from Sidney, Australia for sacrificial ceremony here (at Majelis Rasulullah S.A.W) and also 1 from our majelis member in Jakarta, hence this year there are a total of 14 sheep. The 13 are from Sidney, Australia and 1 sheep from Jakarta, as well as 1 cow from the Governor of Jakarta H. Fauzi Bowo to Majelis Rasulullah S.A.W. Therefore, this year Majelis Rasulullah S.A.W sacrificed 14 sheep and 1 cow, Alhamdulillah May Allah glorify those who have entrusted their sacrificing cattle at Majelis Rasulullah S.A.W.
“ith’amu tha’am” (distribute food) towards people you know and those you don’t know, wa aqri’ussalam alaa man arafta ma alaa man lam ta'rif (and extend greetings towards those you know and those you don’t know). Extend the greeting is not only to those we know, without we realize it, those we don’t know if we extend our greeting for them because of Allah we will get rewards from Allah, by extending the Name of Allah “Assalam” (is the Name of Allah The Cherisher). Assalamu’alaikum means The Supreme Being Who bestows prosperity to all of you, that is the meaning of the word Assalamu’alaikum. Therefore when someone recites Assalamu’alaikum, it is dzikir (recitation) because the word Assalam is Allah’s Name.
Ladies and gentlemen, Sayyidina Ibn Umar radhiyallahu anhuma as written in Adabul Mufrad by Imam Bukhari, every morning Ibn Umar went out and people asked, “you are going to market, did you go for shopping?, passing by that alley and this alley, passing by that house and this house, then going home, what for? Going out without silaturahmi (ties of relationship) towards someone, going to market without shopping, then returning home, going out for awhile then again returning home”, he answered, “I go out only for extending the word Assalam”. If a Moslem passes by, say “Assalamu’alaikum”, even only for this greetings I would leave home. Thus, people leave home for many reasons, some leave home for business, some for school, while the Pious People would remember the Magnificent of Allah’s Name. Assalam, he left his house simply to extend greetings and then returned home.
Sayyidina Anas bin Malik radhiyallahu anhum as written in Adabul Mufrad by Imam Bukhari, whenever he went out from his house, he rub a perfume on his right hand. We often saw this, why? Sayyidina Anas said, “to glorify those who shake hand with me”. One way to glorify them is by applying perfume on my hand, so those who shake my hand would have nice fragrant on their hand. Where did you learn this? from Rasulullah S.A.W. The beauty of His character.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, In one occasion a few years a go, one of my friends is an old man, he is around 60 years old. He has 6 children. He was about to travel across from Lampung to Merak harbor. At the harbor in Lampung, he already bought the tickets, but unfortunately he was conned. His tickets were stolen while he already spent money and he was a poor man. But he got 1 acknowledgment, when passing by 1 man with a malevolent face (perhaps he was a bad guy in that area), the old man extended greeting. Because this old man wherever he goes, he always greets anyone whom he thought was a Moslem, although the person looks unfriendly or even a cruel guy at the harbor. “Assalamu’alaikum”, was not answered. Perhaps we already know that at the harbor, there are many unfriendly people, while only some are friendly and nice. Being greeted nicely, the guy didn’t answer, he was just quiet. Hence the old man passed by with his wife and children.
When the old man was conned, he was panic and screamed, “my tickets were stolen, I have paid”. The bad guy who was greeted with salam but didn’t answer was among the crowd, he asked “what happen?”, “my tickets were stolen”. “what’s the characteristic of that swindler?”, “like this….like this…”, “oh.. OK calm down”, not long after, the man with that cruel face came with the swindler who had stolen the tickets and he was then forced to return the money. “why did you deceive this old man, this old man is my brother...!”. although in reality he didn’t know the old man, he was just greeted by the old man while he didn’t answer it, but that greeting went through his heart. His lips were not answering, his face was frowned but that greeting went through his heart and he was touched. Perhaps in his whole life seldom people extended greeting for him. He felt like a bad guy, conducting a lot of crimes and made people sick of him. But there was an old man extended greeting towards him, and now the old man was conned, he defended him until declaring “this is my brother, why did you cheat on him?”, although he just know that old man at that time because he extended greeting. There, ladies and gentlemen, the beauty of sunnah from Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Therefore, support the magnificent of sunnah from The Prophet S.A.W by extending greeting towards those we know and those we don’t know.
Rasul S.A.W declared, “la yukminu ahadukum hatta yuhibba li akhiihi maa yuhibbu linafsih” (not perfect someone’s faith until he wishes all the good things occur to him, will also happen to all his brothers), as written in Shahih Bukhari. If he has joy he wishes for heaven, he also wishes other people to go to heaven, if he wishes for pleasure, he wishes the same thing also for all Moslems. This is the perfection of faith. What is the meaning? The higher the level of someone’s faith, the more he will not become hostile to Moslems. The higher his rank is, the more he wishes for all Moslems to get nobility, if he performs the 5 time obligatory prayers, he wishes all Moslems will perform the 5 times shalat, if he wants to be in heaven, he wishes all Moslems to be in heaven as well. This kind of soul is the reflection of Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W. When his enemies threw him with tones and chased him, he prayed “Allahummahdiy Qaumiy fa innahum laa ya’lamuun”. He defended those who threw stones towards him, defended by his prayer: “O’ Allah give them guidance because they don’t know.” The Prophet S.A.W defended those who threw stones towards him S.A.W.
This is the peak of moral’s perfection of Nabiyyuna wa Sayyiduna Muhammad S.A.W. And in terms of relationship amongst us, Allah S.W.T has ordered us to follow The Prophet S.A.W the best we could, in which Allah will expand His blessings with such noble soul like the one of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, that proves the Greatest of Islam from West to East. He was not a rich person who could visit all lands from West to East to deliver the words of Tauhid. He was not an authority who could organize thousands of people to deliver his guidance from West to East. He was simply followed by few slaves and young people, which were grown in numbers, organizing the improvement of people’s faith in Mecca, until they were evicted from Mecca, they continued to make improvement of people’s faith in Medina, and slowly continued to expand throughout the world. Until today, 14 centuries after he (Prophet S.A.W) passed away, the improvement of people’s faith is continued by the souls that convey the nobility of spirit of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, On this night of Idul Adha, I would like to convey that this majelis (religious gathering) has no holidays. Insya Allah, this Monday-night-Majelis will never stop until yaumal qiyamah, Amin Allahumma Amin. As long as I live, Insya Allah I will always attend this Majelis every Monday night. My beloved audience, if any of you ever heard such news proclaiming that next Monday night will be a holiday, kindly ignore it, as it’s not true. This majelis will continue, even during the month of Ramadhan, or the night of Ied Fitri, we will recite takbir (Allahu akbar) together in this majelis. To those who are able to attend, please do, while those who are not able to attend, now you may also listen to RASfm Radio with the intention to attend to get the rewards from Allah S.W.T.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, We perform silent prayer for the management and improvement of people on the land of Jakarta and its surrounding, as well as for our Moslem brothers especially Ustadz Kadir Anggaluly whom in few days would return to his hometown in West Irian, may Allah S.W.T gives him strength and protection from the enemies of Islam. May there will be more Moslem members who will start to recognize shalat, Amin Allahumma Amin. And also for the boarding school students who stay here, especially KH. Ahmad Baihaqi, may Allah S.W.T pour him with abundance of help and easiness in maintaining dakwah (religious lessons) and may all these new, young students be given peace and comfort while staying in Jakarta to study.
Ya Rabbiy Ya Rahman we perform silent prayer towards Your Presence on this day of Idul Adha and in tasyrik days which still have the Dignity and Magnificence of Dzulhijjah, Rabbiy we perform silent prayer to Your Presence The Almighty to beg for all the secret of Your Generosity towards all of our problems. Rabbiy Rabbiy The Most Powerful, O’ The One Who Can Change Any Condition, kindly change our condition with the best dhahiran wa bathinan (body and soul) in the world and beyond, kindly change the condition of our upcoming days with the best ones in happiness in the world and beyond, in the easiness in the world and beyond, in the happiness in the world and beyond.
Ya Rahman Ya Rahim Ya Dzaljalali wal ikram Ya Dzaththauli wal in’am
Faquuluuu jamii’an (recite it together) Ya Allah..Ya Allah..Ya Allah..
Faquuluuu jamii’an (recite it together) Laillahailallah
Laillahailallah Laillahailallah Muhammadurrasulullah Washallallahu ala Sayyidina Muhammad Nabiyyil Ummiy wa Shohbihi wa Sallam
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 28 April 2009 )

Written by Munzir Almusawa   
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
A Good Moslem, Monday 8th December 2008

قَالَ رسول الله صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ : أَنَّ رَجُلًا سَأَلَ النَّبِيَّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ أَيُّ الْإِسْلَامِ خَيْرٌ قَالَ تُطْعِمُ الطَّعَامَ وَتَقْرَأُ السَّلَامَ عَلَى مَنْ عَرَفْتَ وَمَنْ لَمْ تَعْرِفْ (صحيح البخاري

Rasulullah S.A.W declared: “A man asked Rasul S.A.W about a good Islam (a good Moslem), and Rasulullah S.A.W declared: “You distribute food, and extend greetings towards those you are familiar with as well as towards those you don’t know.” (Shahih Bukhari).

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Praise be to Allah, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful, The Cherisher and Sustainer of the Sun, Moon and the whole World, Spreading out the Kingdom on Earth and Sky as the symbol of Glory, The One Who makes each life belongs to Him (Allah S.W.T) and ended with death, Who makes human’s life ended with death and continued with the life after life, the eternal and forever life. Hence the guidance from all the Prophets are delivered, calling them towards the eternal happiness, until the Noble Prophet, the messenger of Allah’s Blessings, the messenger of the Righteous Light of God, the messenger of God’s guidance and Alqur’anul Karim, he is Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W.
No other mankind on earth is more blessed than those who follow Muhammad Rasulullah. The more they follow The Prophet S.A.W, the more gracious and happier they will be, the higher their rank will be and they will be given more nobility in the world and the life after. Allah S.W.T, The Greatest and The Most Powerful to Change Destiny, His Judgment assured nobility and changes towards happiness for the followers of Muhammad Rasulullah S.A.W. “Walladziina amanuu wa’amilushshaalihaati wa amanuu bima nuzzila ’alaa muhammadin wahuwal haqqu min rabbihim, kaffar ‘anhum sayyi’aatihim wa ashlaha baalahum” (QS. Muhammad : 2) (those who are faithful and perform good deeds and follow whatever taught by Muhammad, “wahuwal haqqu min rabbihim”, he is the truth from their God, the truth from The Cherisher of each life, the truth being delivered by The Sustainer and Owner of the Earth and Sky, sending His Truth in forms of guidance from Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W, “kaffara ‘anhum sayyi’aatihim wa ashlaha baalahum”, Allah forgives their sins and Allah mends their condition.
The more they mend their condition and their connection with Allah, the more they repair their days with the guidance from The Prophet S.A.W, Allah will wipe out their sins and Allah will mend their condition, the condition of their inner self, their heart, their feeling, their life, their job, their family, their life and death until they are raised in the yaumal qiyamah (The Judgment Day) will be repaired by Allah with the perfect revamp because they follow Sayyidina Muhammad SA.W.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is a temporary life, the gate towards the eternal life. This is our breath which will be definitely ended with the breath of sakaratul maut (agony of death) and will be separated with all you can see and hear.
This is the day of Idul Adha, the magnificent day from all the days glorified by Allah S.W.T and be glorified to those who glorify this day with the guidance from The Prophet S.A.W by increasing takbir (glorification of Allah by reciting ‘Allahu Akbar’) and tahlil with the words “Allahu Akbar.. Allahu Akbar.. Allahu Akbar.. Wa Lillahil-hamd”. It is recommended (sunnah) to recite takbir until sunset on the day of Idul Adha then continue to recite takbir in each of shalat fardhu and recommended until Ashar of the third day of Tasyriq (13 dzulhijjah).
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, Allah S.W.T declared the notification of the nobility towards the followers of the Prophet S.A.W. “yarfa’illahulladzina amanuu minkum walladzina uutuul i’lma darajaat” (QS. Mujadilah : 11) (Allah raises the rank of those of you who learn knowledge with the highest rank). We understand that the word “darajaat” means only rank or level, and we understand about rank, the heaven is like the sky and earth amongst one level with another level. If Allah said “darajaat” it means many of levels. Each time our knowledge is increased, the higher our level will be given by Allah in heaven. And also on earth, the closer we are to Allah, the closer we will be towards the oceans of The Greatest, The Owner of Happiness, The Powerful One Who Can Change any Situation. Some people would say, “if only reciting Al Qur’an, again and again, and attending majelis (religious gathering), when will we improve? Not enough by doing this and this life will end”. Ladies and gentlemen, remember The Most Powerful Who Can Change Situation from the beautiful one towards the worst situation, from disaster to pleasure or vice versa, from poverty to prosperity or vice versa, He is (Allah S.W.T) Who is Able To Change our Condition. When a servant walks on the path of Muhammad Rasulullah S.A.W, being promised by The Most Powerful that he will be given the most beautiful condition.
Ladies and gentlemen, the One Who promised this is The One Who Will Never Deny His Promises. Allah S.W.T declared “ask Me and I will answer your prayers”. Then we will ask “how about my day and night prayers which have yet to be granted by Allah?”. The answer is our being unaware that actually Allah answers our prayers more than what we ask for. We ask for ‘A’ (for instance), without we realizing it, Allah has wiped out 100 disasters that will come tomorrow. Our prayers are merely the trivial things but Allah The Most Gracious gives more than that.
Ladies and gentlemen, the answer from Allah is more than just a voice. Our prayers to Allah but we cannot hear the answers from The Great Answerer of any Prayers. The answers from Allah are not with voices and are not merely about granting the prayers, asking this and will be granted this, the Blessing from The Most Gracious is not that shallow. Asking for 1 thing, Allah will give 1000 things and it is possible for the Rabbul Alamin. Perhaps a servant asks for a trivial thing, Allah will give a more dignified thing or Allah will grant his prayer and Allah will add more that what he asks in his prayer and it is because He is (Allah SW.T) Who Named His Essence “Al Karim” (The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful).
Ladies and gentlemen, no one ask (pray for) Allah then lower his hands empty handed, unless they are filled with blessings. This is Allah and this is The Most Gracious from all His creatures and His Giving will always be prolific throughout the nights and days without we are realizing it. Perhaps we pray tonight on 1 wish, the day after Allah will grant it or if not, Allah will not grant it but Allah will wipe out so many disasters that will come the day after. This kind of thing is out of our hand, we don’t know, and if we know our destiny, we would never stop sujud (bowing down in shalat), we ask for God’s Love. If we could foresee the disaster that will come tomorrow, perhaps now we could stand up and tomorrow we face 1 disaster and paralyze for the rest of our life, perhaps today we could see but tomorrow we have 1 disaster and would not able to see, and many more tragedies that are possible to happen and these all will disappear in a flash with your prayers, ladies and gentlemen. “kaffara ‘anhum sayyiatihim wa ashlaha baalahum” (I wipe out their sins and I mend their condition), He is Allah The Most Powerful Who Can Change Situation and The Magnificent in all His Actions.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, If someone perform too much of religious duties, as Rasul S.A.W heard a woman performed religious duties until they were way too much, Rasul S.A.W declared, “what is this, too much worshipping?”, “innallahu la yamallu hatta tamallu’ ” (Allah will not get bored but all of you will get bored if performing too much religious duties). Nowadays, if people perform religious duties of Qabliyah, Ba’diyah and Tahajjud, it is already considered too much, while actually it is not too much at all. What is called by worshipping too much is leaving all activities for the sake of his religious duties, this is called too much. Prophet S.A.W said, “la yamallu hatta tamallu’ ” (Allah will never get bored until all of you get bored). Hence don’t force yourself beyond your capability.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, From this kind of nobility, Allah S.W.T guides us towards the most perfect guidance, the guidance that extended towards brotherhood amongst all mankind especially amongst Moslem people. Therefore Rasul S.A.W was asked as mentioned in the hadits we previously read, “anna rajulan sa’alannabiy s.a.w, someone asked Rasul S.A.W “ayyul islam khair”, meaning: which Moslem person has good deeds? Show me the good deeds in Islam. Indeed they are many, but The Prophet S.A.W gave 2 lessons which are magnificent if we study them. What are they? ”ith’amu tha’am (as written in Shahih Bukhari). “you distribute foods”. And now are the days of tasyrik, it is recommended to give free meat (after sacrificing cattle) as pious gift. Important to know that the distribution of meat from pious gift is for all Moslem people, and not only for the poor. Therefore, the rich people may also receive it. It is different than giving shadaqah (charitable gift) and zakat (obligatory alms), which are not allowed to be given to other than mustahiq (those eligible for receiving alms) among others: fuqara and masakin (poor people). If the free meat is allowed to be given to the rich and the poor as long as they are Moslems, because the meat from sacrificing cattle is the religious meals between Moslems towards those they know and those they don’t. “ith’amu tha’am” (distribute foods) said The Prophet S.A.W. Don’t differentiate the Moslems and the poor only, those who are not poor can also be treated meals by you, but certainly the more appropriate ones are the poor. Hence if the meat from sacrificing cattle is given to the poor or the rich, the poor is more eligible indeed. But if you want to give it to the wealthy, there is no prohibition because it is also sunnah (recommended) as well as they are Moslems, because the meat is the religious treat amongst Moslems, the one they recognize and those they don’t.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, Alhamdulillah, this year Majelis Rasulullah S.A.W has been entrusted 13 sheep by one of our brothers from Sidney, Australia for sacrificial ceremony here (at Majelis Rasulullah S.A.W) and also 1 from our majelis member in Jakarta, hence this year there are a total of 14 sheep. The 13 are from Sidney, Australia and 1 sheep from Jakarta, as well as 1 cow from the Governor of Jakarta H. Fauzi Bowo to Majelis Rasulullah S.A.W. Therefore, this year Majelis Rasulullah S.A.W sacrificed 14 sheep and 1 cow, Alhamdulillah May Allah glorify those who have entrusted their sacrificing cattle at Majelis Rasulullah S.A.W.
“ith’amu tha’am” (distribute food) towards people you know and those you don’t know, wa aqri’ussalam alaa man arafta ma alaa man lam ta'rif (and extend greetings towards those you know and those you don’t know). Extend the greeting is not only to those we know, without we realize it, those we don’t know if we extend our greeting for them because of Allah we will get rewards from Allah, by extending the Name of Allah “Assalam” (is the Name of Allah The Cherisher). Assalamu’alaikum means The Supreme Being Who bestows prosperity to all of you, that is the meaning of the word Assalamu’alaikum. Therefore when someone recites Assalamu’alaikum, it is dzikir (recitation) because the word Assalam is Allah’s Name.
Ladies and gentlemen, Sayyidina Ibn Umar radhiyallahu anhuma as written in Adabul Mufrad by Imam Bukhari, every morning Ibn Umar went out and people asked, “you are going to market, did you go for shopping?, passing by that alley and this alley, passing by that house and this house, then going home, what for? Going out without silaturahmi (ties of relationship) towards someone, going to market without shopping, then returning home, going out for awhile then again returning home”, he answered, “I go out only for extending the word Assalam”. If a Moslem passes by, say “Assalamu’alaikum”, even only for this greetings I would leave home. Thus, people leave home for many reasons, some leave home for business, some for school, while the Pious People would remember the Magnificent of Allah’s Name. Assalam, he left his house simply to extend greetings and then returned home.
Sayyidina Anas bin Malik radhiyallahu anhum as written in Adabul Mufrad by Imam Bukhari, whenever he went out from his house, he rub a perfume on his right hand. We often saw this, why? Sayyidina Anas said, “to glorify those who shake hand with me”. One way to glorify them is by applying perfume on my hand, so those who shake my hand would have nice fragrant on their hand. Where did you learn this? from Rasulullah S.A.W. The beauty of His character.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, In one occasion a few years a go, one of my friends is an old man, he is around 60 years old. He has 6 children. He was about to travel across from Lampung to Merak harbor. At the harbor in Lampung, he already bought the tickets, but unfortunately he was conned. His tickets were stolen while he already spent money and he was a poor man. But he got 1 acknowledgment, when passing by 1 man with a malevolent face (perhaps he was a bad guy in that area), the old man extended greeting. Because this old man wherever he goes, he always greets anyone whom he thought was a Moslem, although the person looks unfriendly or even a cruel guy at the harbor. “Assalamu’alaikum”, was not answered. Perhaps we already know that at the harbor, there are many unfriendly people, while only some are friendly and nice. Being greeted nicely, the guy didn’t answer, he was just quiet. Hence the old man passed by with his wife and children.
When the old man was conned, he was panic and screamed, “my tickets were stolen, I have paid”. The bad guy who was greeted with salam but didn’t answer was among the crowd, he asked “what happen?”, “my tickets were stolen”. “what’s the characteristic of that swindler?”, “like this….like this…”, “oh.. OK calm down”, not long after, the man with that cruel face came with the swindler who had stolen the tickets and he was then forced to return the money. “why did you deceive this old man, this old man is my brother...!”. although in reality he didn’t know the old man, he was just greeted by the old man while he didn’t answer it, but that greeting went through his heart. His lips were not answering, his face was frowned but that greeting went through his heart and he was touched. Perhaps in his whole life seldom people extended greeting for him. He felt like a bad guy, conducting a lot of crimes and made people sick of him. But there was an old man extended greeting towards him, and now the old man was conned, he defended him until declaring “this is my brother, why did you cheat on him?”, although he just know that old man at that time because he extended greeting. There, ladies and gentlemen, the beauty of sunnah from Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Therefore, support the magnificent of sunnah from The Prophet S.A.W by extending greeting towards those we know and those we don’t know.
Rasul S.A.W declared, “la yukminu ahadukum hatta yuhibba li akhiihi maa yuhibbu linafsih” (not perfect someone’s faith until he wishes all the good things occur to him, will also happen to all his brothers), as written in Shahih Bukhari. If he has joy he wishes for heaven, he also wishes other people to go to heaven, if he wishes for pleasure, he wishes the same thing also for all Moslems. This is the perfection of faith. What is the meaning? The higher the level of someone’s faith, the more he will not become hostile to Moslems. The higher his rank is, the more he wishes for all Moslems to get nobility, if he performs the 5 time obligatory prayers, he wishes all Moslems will perform the 5 times shalat, if he wants to be in heaven, he wishes all Moslems to be in heaven as well. This kind of soul is the reflection of Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W. When his enemies threw him with tones and chased him, he prayed “Allahummahdiy Qaumiy fa innahum laa ya’lamuun”. He defended those who threw stones towards him, defended by his prayer: “O’ Allah give them guidance because they don’t know.” The Prophet S.A.W defended those who threw stones towards him S.A.W.
This is the peak of moral’s perfection of Nabiyyuna wa Sayyiduna Muhammad S.A.W. And in terms of relationship amongst us, Allah S.W.T has ordered us to follow The Prophet S.A.W the best we could, in which Allah will expand His blessings with such noble soul like the one of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, that proves the Greatest of Islam from West to East. He was not a rich person who could visit all lands from West to East to deliver the words of Tauhid. He was not an authority who could organize thousands of people to deliver his guidance from West to East. He was simply followed by few slaves and young people, which were grown in numbers, organizing the improvement of people’s faith in Mecca, until they were evicted from Mecca, they continued to make improvement of people’s faith in Medina, and slowly continued to expand throughout the world. Until today, 14 centuries after he (Prophet S.A.W) passed away, the improvement of people’s faith is continued by the souls that convey the nobility of spirit of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, On this night of Idul Adha, I would like to convey that this majelis (religious gathering) has no holidays. Insya Allah, this Monday-night-Majelis will never stop until yaumal qiyamah, Amin Allahumma Amin. As long as I live, Insya Allah I will always attend this Majelis every Monday night. My beloved audience, if any of you ever heard such news proclaiming that next Monday night will be a holiday, kindly ignore it, as it’s not true. This majelis will continue, even during the month of Ramadhan, or the night of Ied Fitri, we will recite takbir (Allahu akbar) together in this majelis. To those who are able to attend, please do, while those who are not able to attend, now you may also listen to RASfm Radio with the intention to attend to get the rewards from Allah S.W.T.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, We perform silent prayer for the management and improvement of people on the land of Jakarta and its surrounding, as well as for our Moslem brothers especially Ustadz Kadir Anggaluly whom in few days would return to his hometown in West Irian, may Allah S.W.T gives him strength and protection from the enemies of Islam. May there will be more Moslem members who will start to recognize shalat, Amin Allahumma Amin. And also for the boarding school students who stay here, especially KH. Ahmad Baihaqi, may Allah S.W.T pour him with abundance of help and easiness in maintaining dakwah (religious lessons) and may all these new, young students be given peace and comfort while staying in Jakarta to study.
Ya Rabbiy Ya Rahman we perform silent prayer towards Your Presence on this day of Idul Adha and in tasyrik days which still have the Dignity and Magnificence of Dzulhijjah, Rabbiy we perform silent prayer to Your Presence The Almighty to beg for all the secret of Your Generosity towards all of our problems. Rabbiy Rabbiy The Most Powerful, O’ The One Who Can Change Any Condition, kindly change our condition with the best dhahiran wa bathinan (body and soul) in the world and beyond, kindly change the condition of our upcoming days with the best ones in happiness in the world and beyond, in the easiness in the world and beyond, in the happiness in the world and beyond.
Ya Rahman Ya Rahim Ya Dzaljalali wal ikram Ya Dzaththauli wal in’am
Faquuluuu jamii’an (recite it together) Ya Allah..Ya Allah..Ya Allah..
Faquuluuu jamii’an (recite it together) Laillahailallah
Laillahailallah Laillahailallah Muhammadurrasulullah Washallallahu ala Sayyidina Muhammad Nabiyyil Ummiy wa Shohbihi wa Sallam
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 28 April 2009 )

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My Prophet When Tahajjud

Written by Munzir Almusawa   
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Prophet S.A.W’s Prayer When Praying Tahajjud
Monday, 11th May 2009

كَانَ النَّبِيُّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ إِذَا تَهَجَّدَ مِنْ اللَّيْلِ قَالَ اللَّهُمَّ لَكَ الْحَمْدُ أَنْتَ نُورُ السَّمَوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَلَكَ الْحَمْدُ أَنْتَ قَيِّمُ السَّمَوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَلَكَ الْحَمْدُ أَنْتَ رَبُّ السَّمَوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَمَنْ فِيهِنَّ (صحيح البخاري

Rasulullah S.A.W declared:
“That Prophet S.A.W when performing Tahajjud prayer at night, recites this prayer: O’ Allah, For You All Praise, You are The Light in the Whole Earth and Sky, For You All Praise, You are The Sustainer of The Sky and Earth, and For You All Praise, You are The Guardian of the Whole World and Sky, and anything between the Whole Sky and World…” (Shahih Bukhari)

Rasulullah S.A.W teaches a glimpse of his prayer when performing silent prayer at night after his shalat tahajjud.
ImageAssalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
All Praise be to Allah Almighty, The Sustainer of the World and Sky, The Supreme Being, the Only God, The Eternal. Calling into existence, each soul to the peak of nobility, inviting His servants to always be within happiness in the world and beyond, with the guidance of Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W. All Praise be to Allah The Almighty in the whole world, who spreads the whole the skies from zilch, who creates the widest sky and earth and makes them chant tasbih glorifying the name of Allah.
Ladies and gentlemen, as explained by the scientists that in fact the planets in this realm of nature are not only sun, moon and stars but the earth is one part of Milky Galaxy. This galaxy is a cluster of stars and planets which consist of more than 200 billion stars. The earth is one of the 200 billion other planets. And in fact, ladies and gentlemen, galaxy is not the only thing on the sky, there is another galaxy or a group of stars which is close from our galaxy (galaksi bimasakti) which is called Andromeda Galaxy.
Andromeda galaxy has its length from a cluster of billion planets in it, and its width reaches 220.000 years of light. If we go through the 220.000 years of light, it goes from one edge of andromeda to the other edge. This show how broad the millions of planet in the andromeda galaxy is, until its width reaches 220.000 years of light while the speed of light is 300.000km/second. 300.000km/second of speed light, while the distance between the earth and the andromeda galaxy is 2.000.000 years of light. Hence 2.000.000 (2 million) years of light is equal to (300.000 km/second X 60/minute, which means X 60/hour or X 24 hours X 365 days X 2.000.000 years).
Hence the shape of andromeda that we see tonight, right now is the shape of andromeda 2.000.000 years a go, because the shape of light would only reach the earth after 2.000.000 years and in fact there are not only one galaxy, there are andromeda and millions of other galaxies have been found by our scientists and this is only on the first level of sky.
ImageLadies and gentlemen, He is Allah Jalla Wa Alla, The Greatest Creator of the outer space with all His light. But the centre of all nobility and all of such greatest creations is the earth. And from all that had been created by Allah, such creatures including trillions of planets in this world and on the first sky, the noblest creature is Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W. Not in andromeda, not in other places but on earth of Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W. As written in Shahih Bukhari, when he S.A.W passed through the first sky, the angels said “marhaban bihi wa ni’mal majii’u Jaa’a..” welcome to him, the most dignified one has come. This is the most dignified mankind who passed through the first sky, reached the second sky, the third until the seventh sky and up to sidratul muntaha. Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W is my guru and the guru of all of you, my idol and the idol of all of you, the brightest soul with the light of Allah. If the light needs time as long as 2.000.000 years to reach from one galaxy to another, the light of prayer and silent prayer in a wink of an eye goes through the seven skies until Hadratullah Jalla Wa Alla. This is the speed of prayer, much faster than the speed of light. The speed of light needs millions of years from one galaxy to another, and still on the first sky. While the speed of silent prayer, the speed of calls, calling the Name of Allah, is way much faster than the speed of light.
The Prophet S.A.W in his silent prayer, recited “Allahumma lakal hamdu anta nurussamawati wal ard wa lakal hamdu anta qayyimussamawati wal ard wa lakal hamdu anta rabbussamawati wal ard wa man fiihinna” O’ Allah for You all the praise, and You are the One who shines the whole world and sky, O’ Allah for You all the praise, You are the One who builds and raises the whole world and sky, O’ Allah for You all the praise, You are the One who manages and takes care of the whole world and sky, He is (Allah S.W.T) who shines the whole world, shines the skies, creates the light and makes it and builds it from nothing and takes care of it until the end of the world.
Ladies and gentlemen, He is The Supreme Being in the sky and earth, The God Almighty. How small and worthless we are on this earth, in the middle of a wide ocean of stars in the sky, the earth is like a dust in the midst of ocean. Ladies and gentlemen, The Owner of the ocean of sky and earth is Allah Jalla Wa Alla and such noble gathering like this is glorified by The Supreme Being of the world. This is the gathering for those long for Allah, this is the gathering being very much loved by God Almighty in the world and sky because within this gathering many of His servants return to Him and leave their sins in the hand of His and within this gathering has been assigned the angels especially to take notes and witness the audience and pray for them with this prayer “allahumma shalli a’laihi allahummarhamhu” O’ Allah kindly pour shalawat for those who attend, O’ Allah kindly love them. This is written in Shahih Bukhari, on those who attend Mosque.
ImageLadies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah,
The Owner of the noblest authority, The Owner of Power and The One who can change any situation who becomes the guidance of all The Prophets and the shalihin and faithful people. They count on the power of Illahiyah (God) which cannot be predicted or cannot be surpassed by the power of any creatures. As the last sentence said by Nabiyullah Ibrahim alaihis salam when the fire of namrud was about to lit, hence Ibrahim alahis salam said “hasbiyallahu wani’mal wakiil” enough for me Allah. And He is the noblest and the best place to run for help from all problems. Problems that cannot be handled by any creatures, the problem with fire is that it always burn and it always happens as long as this world still exists and the nature of fire is to burn. But when this sentence is read, “hasbiyallahu wani’mal wakiil” enough for me Allah, and the most dignified place for tawakkal (trust in God) hence Allah commands the fire “kuuniy bardan wa salaaman ala ibrahim”, O’ fire, be cool and tame and bring safety towards Ibrahim a.s. QS. Al Anbiya 69. Hence that fire becomes cold, why? Because the power of Illahiyyah that comes from the soul and generates from the Light of Allah S.W.T will conquest all kind of power in the world, turning the state of fire that burns into the fire that is cold. There is never a cold fire unless the fire of Nabiyullah Ibrahim alaihissalam. Allah who creates fire and its characteristic, Allah makes that fire hot and burn, Allah is also able to make it cold with His decision. This is Jalallahu my God and the God of all of you, who loves me and loves you all and the proof of His love is our attendance tonight as one of the proofs of the love of Allah towards all of us.
A Moslem understands that he is one of the people being loved by Allah. If Allah hates him then Allah might turn him so that Allah doesn’t want him to bow down for Him. If Allah hates us then we are not able to bow down for Allah, will not able to call the Name of Allah, if Allah hates His servant, how that servant could move his own lips to call the Name of Allah? But Allah still allows us, in order that we can be even closer towards Him with the love of Allah S.W.T towards us. Answer the love of Allah.
ImageAs written in Shahih Bukhari, Sayyidatuna Sarah alaiha salam (the wife of Nabiyullah Ibrahim a.s), when Allah ordered Nabiyullah Ibrahim alaihis salam to test his wife (Sayyidatuna Sarah) to be left in one tyrannical country. A country where there was no Moslems, and ruled by a cruel king and authority. “Leave your wife there”, Prophet Ibrahim said “sami’na wa athana ala amri Rabbiy” I hear it and I obey the command of my God. “O’ my beloved wife Sarah, I was ordered to leave you here alone”. Why? Because Allah wants his wife to have her own faith, doesn’t always depend on her husband, instead she should always trust in Allah. Hence his wife replied “O’ Ibrahim, am I here alone?, this is the tyrannical country..!, the king is a tyrant.!”. Prophet Ibrahim said, “this is the order from Allah”, hence he (Prophet Ibrahim) left his wife. Not long after, the king saw Sayyidatuna Sarah, a beautiful woman and he wanted her to be taken to the palace. “Take her to my palace”, she was taken by the troops. Indeed Sayyidatuna Sarah was a weak woman, couldn’t defend herself, thus she was taken to that king.
And indeed she has known the bad intention of that tyrant king, in which if she refused his will, it means she will risk her life, what if she died while her husband Nabiyullah Ibrahim alaihissalam hasn’t returned?. Then what did Sayyidatuna Sarah do?, while taking wudhu (ritual washing) she prayed, “O” Allah if indeed You trust and You know that I am faithful to You O’ Rabb hence don’t give power to that tyrant king, if my faith is true, You admit that I am a Moslem that never be hypocritical about You and admit Prophet Ibrahim is Your messenger (because of that era) hence don’t make that king overpower me”. Hence when she met with that king, suddenly that king saw Sayyidatuna Sarah and with trembled knees, that king fell down with no reasons whatsoever, because he was subdued by the power of Allah S.W.T. The king said “take out this woman, release her…release her!!”. When I faced her, I felt like facing the powerful lion that would tear me down. As if tens of lions protected her, take her out from my presence, I couldn’t face her anymore. A tyrannical king was subdued, while the fragile woman has the power of Illahi. Where is your power, all subdued with the power of Rabbul Alamin. The God Almighty in the world and sky, He is Allah S.W.T.
Allah declared, “sari’u ilaa maghfiratin min rabbikum wa jannatin ardhuhaassamawati wal ard” rush you all towards forgiveness from your God, reach His forgiveness soon, reach and get all His Love and heaven that is wider than the whole sky and world. QS. Ali Imran: 133. Reach it after you all receive My forgiveness, reach the heaven, said Allah.
ImageJust now we learnt how wide this world is, how wide the sky is, and it is only the first sky, and only as far as human knowledge can reach. Perhaps it is 1000X or even 1.000.000X much bigger than what has been known by human at this time, the width of the sky as we have yet to find the sky’s edge. As long as they still study all kind of possibilities and not yet find the edge of the sky, either go up or down to the left or right, they will keep finding space which is even further, and this is the extension of Allah on the first sky. And the heaven is even wider than the whole sky and earth. Allah offers it to all of us, the true valley of happiness and pleasure, here we can find the palaces of God’ Blessings in which Allah built especially for His servants the followers of Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah,
Rasul S.A.W is the most perfect mankind and his teachings are the gentlest guidance. As written in Shahih Bukhari, when a young man came to Rasul S.A.W to tell about his sins, Rasul S.A.W didn’t answer it, but Allah is the one who answered, as declared by Allah “innal hasanaat yudzhibnassayyi’at” that the merits (of good deeds) will wipe out the sins.
For those who are filled with sins, hence increase the merits. I have unfortunately committed many sins, thus multiply the good deeds because those who increase his good deeds will be forgiven all his sins and be guided towards dignity. My tongue has many times talked about or hurt people’s feeling, how could I make my tongue stop from talking about others? Increase your time to recite Alqur’anulkarim, heal your lips with the kalamullah Jalla Wa Alla, multiply dzikrullah. This is how to mend sharp tongue.
“I have committed many sins with my hands,” hence increase good deeds with your hands. If you make sins with eyes thus increase good deeds with eyes. “innal hasanaat yudzhibnassayyi’at” indeed the merits (of good deeds) wipe out sins. Mend our sins with merits. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the magnificence of guidance from Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W. This shows how magnificent Allah is.
ImageAs written in Shahih Bukhari, Rasul S.A.W noticed Nuaiman radiyallahu anhum drank alcohol. It was when the verse on prohibition of drinking alcohol (khamr) was released, hence those who still drink alcohol would be punished. Nuaiman drank alcohol, he was punished. Not long after, he got drunk again, and punished again, and just few days after that, he would drink alcohol again, until the comrades said, “alaihi la’natullah” the curse of Allah. kept on drinking alcohol, kept on going drunk. Rasul S.A.W declared “indeed all of you, don’t curse Nuaiman because I know, in the name of Allah he loves Allah and His Rasul”. To a drunkard, Rasul said “in the name of Allah he loves Allah and His Rasul”. This news was delivered to Nuaiman, “you keep on drinking, just now Rasulullah said that in the name of Allah you love Allah and Rasul”. Upon hearing this, Nuaiman radiyallahu anhum cried, “Rasul said I was loved by Allah and Rasul?” hence I repented towards Allah S.W.T. How magnificent it is, the guidance of Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W. Saying 1,2 sentences that shivered the stubborn soul which was not cured by laws, but surrendered with 1,2 beautiful sentences coming out from the most magnificent soul, from the light of Allah The Most Magnificent. This is the guidance from Muhammad Rasulullah S.A.W.
The comrades of Rasul S.A.W said “kunna nasma’ tasbihuttha’am wa nahnu na’kul” as written in Shahih Bukhari. When we were eating, if Rasulullah was eating together with us, we often heard the voice of tasbih (praise of God) from the food being touched by the fingers of The Prophet S.A.W, we could hear the tasbih and dzikir when that food was touched by the hand of Muhammad Rasulullah S.A.W. Those foods recite tasbih and we heard it. This is how Allah made the magnificent of The Prophet S.A.W and things around The Prophet S.A.W. And those who love The Prophet S.A.W is the ones with the most perfect faith.
As written in Shahih Bukhari that on the Judgment Day, on that time, when people are in trouble, everyone is asked his or her responsibilities towards each of letter he has once said, when all humankind is interrogated on each of his breath, when each dust stepped by him becomes the witness, on that time, being lifted maqam mahmudah (the praised degree) for Nabiyyuna Muhammad S.A.W. All in the mahsyar field praises the magnificent degree of Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W at that time.
ImageWe perform silent prayer towards Allah S.W.T, may Allah S.W.T make our days filled with the light of longing for Allah S.W.T, O’ The Most Magnificent, O’ The God Almighty who built the kingdom of sky and earth from nothing to something, O’ The Sustainer of The World who takes care of the whole world, kindly take care of our bad behaviors and change them all, replace them with noble behaviors, kindly change our bad actions with the light of Your beauty, and our days which are filled with problems, kindly replace them with happiness. O’ The Supreme Being, The Possessor of all situation, O’ The Cherisher who poured down happiness from era to era, O’ The Most Gracious who gives pleasures towards each kind of life, O’ The Possessor of each of His servants’ breath, O’ God Almighty who sees all souls of Your servants, we gather tonight and You Are The Witness each of our intentions, all of our problems, all of our difficulties, all of our sins and mistakes, we run towards Your door of merciful The God Almighty, we run towards Your door of generosity The Cherisher, we run towards Your door of magnificence The Most Magnificent, O’ Allah The Most Gracious who gives Happiness in the ocean of prosperity that is never ending, call His Name, call the Name of Allah Jalla Wa Alla, call the Name of Allah, shiver your lips to call His Name The God Almighty, may these lips can always move to call His Name in the calls of longing for Him. O’ Rabbiy shine our souls with Your light, shine each of our breath with Your light, we understand this whole world belongs to You, we know that this earth You are the owner, we understand that You are the owner, hence kindly straighten Your servants from all kind of humiliation, reorganize Your servants from all kind of destruction, clear up Your servants from all troubles and problems.
Faquuluuu jamii’an (recite this together) Ya Allah, Ya Allah..Ya Allah..
Faquuluuu jamii'an (recite this together) Laillahailallah Laillahailallah Laillahailallah Muhammadurrasulullah
Not to forget, we pray for our guests. Our beloved father Habib Musthofa Al Aththas and Habib Musthofa, may being blessed by the Blessing from Allah and to other habaib who come together with us tonight. KH. Djamaludin from Pengadegan, KH. Abdul Khair from Pengadegan and Mr. H. Yusuf and H. Ashraf Ali and all of our guests may they all are blessed in dhahiran wa bathinan. And for all of us who come, Rabbiy Rabbiy kindly make all of our face to be seeing the beauty of Your Essence, Rabbiy. And our days will always be in longing for You and make our days beautiful always an always long for Your magnificence. Ya Rahman Ya Rahim. We continue with praying together, praying for all Moslems with our prayer Ya Arhamar Rahimin Farij A’lal Muslimin, as written in Shahih Muslim, Rasul S.A.W declared “to those who pray for his Moslem brother/sister, the angels will recite “amin walaka mitsluh”, if we pray one good thing for our Moslem brothers, thus the angles say “amin dan untukmu kebaikan itu”. If we ask for help for all Moslems, countless the number of Moslems in this world who are in trouble, who are sad, who are in difficulties, all will be touched by our return back to us.
Washollallahu ala Sayyidina Muhammad Nabiyyil Ummiy wa Shohbihi wa Sallam.
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 28 July 2009 )

Written by Munzir Almusawa   
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Prophet S.A.W’s Prayer When Praying Tahajjud
Monday, 11th May 2009

كَانَ النَّبِيُّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ إِذَا تَهَجَّدَ مِنْ اللَّيْلِ قَالَ اللَّهُمَّ لَكَ الْحَمْدُ أَنْتَ نُورُ السَّمَوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَلَكَ الْحَمْدُ أَنْتَ قَيِّمُ السَّمَوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَلَكَ الْحَمْدُ أَنْتَ رَبُّ السَّمَوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَمَنْ فِيهِنَّ (صحيح البخاري

Rasulullah S.A.W declared:
“That Prophet S.A.W when performing Tahajjud prayer at night, recites this prayer: O’ Allah, For You All Praise, You are The Light in the Whole Earth and Sky, For You All Praise, You are The Sustainer of The Sky and Earth, and For You All Praise, You are The Guardian of the Whole World and Sky, and anything between the Whole Sky and World…” (Shahih Bukhari)

Rasulullah S.A.W teaches a glimpse of his prayer when performing silent prayer at night after his shalat tahajjud.
ImageAssalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
All Praise be to Allah Almighty, The Sustainer of the World and Sky, The Supreme Being, the Only God, The Eternal. Calling into existence, each soul to the peak of nobility, inviting His servants to always be within happiness in the world and beyond, with the guidance of Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W. All Praise be to Allah The Almighty in the whole world, who spreads the whole the skies from zilch, who creates the widest sky and earth and makes them chant tasbih glorifying the name of Allah.
Ladies and gentlemen, as explained by the scientists that in fact the planets in this realm of nature are not only sun, moon and stars but the earth is one part of Milky Galaxy. This galaxy is a cluster of stars and planets which consist of more than 200 billion stars. The earth is one of the 200 billion other planets. And in fact, ladies and gentlemen, galaxy is not the only thing on the sky, there is another galaxy or a group of stars which is close from our galaxy (galaksi bimasakti) which is called Andromeda Galaxy.
Andromeda galaxy has its length from a cluster of billion planets in it, and its width reaches 220.000 years of light. If we go through the 220.000 years of light, it goes from one edge of andromeda to the other edge. This show how broad the millions of planet in the andromeda galaxy is, until its width reaches 220.000 years of light while the speed of light is 300.000km/second. 300.000km/second of speed light, while the distance between the earth and the andromeda galaxy is 2.000.000 years of light. Hence 2.000.000 (2 million) years of light is equal to (300.000 km/second X 60/minute, which means X 60/hour or X 24 hours X 365 days X 2.000.000 years).
Hence the shape of andromeda that we see tonight, right now is the shape of andromeda 2.000.000 years a go, because the shape of light would only reach the earth after 2.000.000 years and in fact there are not only one galaxy, there are andromeda and millions of other galaxies have been found by our scientists and this is only on the first level of sky.
ImageLadies and gentlemen, He is Allah Jalla Wa Alla, The Greatest Creator of the outer space with all His light. But the centre of all nobility and all of such greatest creations is the earth. And from all that had been created by Allah, such creatures including trillions of planets in this world and on the first sky, the noblest creature is Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W. Not in andromeda, not in other places but on earth of Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W. As written in Shahih Bukhari, when he S.A.W passed through the first sky, the angels said “marhaban bihi wa ni’mal majii’u Jaa’a..” welcome to him, the most dignified one has come. This is the most dignified mankind who passed through the first sky, reached the second sky, the third until the seventh sky and up to sidratul muntaha. Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W is my guru and the guru of all of you, my idol and the idol of all of you, the brightest soul with the light of Allah. If the light needs time as long as 2.000.000 years to reach from one galaxy to another, the light of prayer and silent prayer in a wink of an eye goes through the seven skies until Hadratullah Jalla Wa Alla. This is the speed of prayer, much faster than the speed of light. The speed of light needs millions of years from one galaxy to another, and still on the first sky. While the speed of silent prayer, the speed of calls, calling the Name of Allah, is way much faster than the speed of light.
The Prophet S.A.W in his silent prayer, recited “Allahumma lakal hamdu anta nurussamawati wal ard wa lakal hamdu anta qayyimussamawati wal ard wa lakal hamdu anta rabbussamawati wal ard wa man fiihinna” O’ Allah for You all the praise, and You are the One who shines the whole world and sky, O’ Allah for You all the praise, You are the One who builds and raises the whole world and sky, O’ Allah for You all the praise, You are the One who manages and takes care of the whole world and sky, He is (Allah S.W.T) who shines the whole world, shines the skies, creates the light and makes it and builds it from nothing and takes care of it until the end of the world.
Ladies and gentlemen, He is The Supreme Being in the sky and earth, The God Almighty. How small and worthless we are on this earth, in the middle of a wide ocean of stars in the sky, the earth is like a dust in the midst of ocean. Ladies and gentlemen, The Owner of the ocean of sky and earth is Allah Jalla Wa Alla and such noble gathering like this is glorified by The Supreme Being of the world. This is the gathering for those long for Allah, this is the gathering being very much loved by God Almighty in the world and sky because within this gathering many of His servants return to Him and leave their sins in the hand of His and within this gathering has been assigned the angels especially to take notes and witness the audience and pray for them with this prayer “allahumma shalli a’laihi allahummarhamhu” O’ Allah kindly pour shalawat for those who attend, O’ Allah kindly love them. This is written in Shahih Bukhari, on those who attend Mosque.
ImageLadies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah,
The Owner of the noblest authority, The Owner of Power and The One who can change any situation who becomes the guidance of all The Prophets and the shalihin and faithful people. They count on the power of Illahiyah (God) which cannot be predicted or cannot be surpassed by the power of any creatures. As the last sentence said by Nabiyullah Ibrahim alaihis salam when the fire of namrud was about to lit, hence Ibrahim alahis salam said “hasbiyallahu wani’mal wakiil” enough for me Allah. And He is the noblest and the best place to run for help from all problems. Problems that cannot be handled by any creatures, the problem with fire is that it always burn and it always happens as long as this world still exists and the nature of fire is to burn. But when this sentence is read, “hasbiyallahu wani’mal wakiil” enough for me Allah, and the most dignified place for tawakkal (trust in God) hence Allah commands the fire “kuuniy bardan wa salaaman ala ibrahim”, O’ fire, be cool and tame and bring safety towards Ibrahim a.s. QS. Al Anbiya 69. Hence that fire becomes cold, why? Because the power of Illahiyyah that comes from the soul and generates from the Light of Allah S.W.T will conquest all kind of power in the world, turning the state of fire that burns into the fire that is cold. There is never a cold fire unless the fire of Nabiyullah Ibrahim alaihissalam. Allah who creates fire and its characteristic, Allah makes that fire hot and burn, Allah is also able to make it cold with His decision. This is Jalallahu my God and the God of all of you, who loves me and loves you all and the proof of His love is our attendance tonight as one of the proofs of the love of Allah towards all of us.
A Moslem understands that he is one of the people being loved by Allah. If Allah hates him then Allah might turn him so that Allah doesn’t want him to bow down for Him. If Allah hates us then we are not able to bow down for Allah, will not able to call the Name of Allah, if Allah hates His servant, how that servant could move his own lips to call the Name of Allah? But Allah still allows us, in order that we can be even closer towards Him with the love of Allah S.W.T towards us. Answer the love of Allah.
ImageAs written in Shahih Bukhari, Sayyidatuna Sarah alaiha salam (the wife of Nabiyullah Ibrahim a.s), when Allah ordered Nabiyullah Ibrahim alaihis salam to test his wife (Sayyidatuna Sarah) to be left in one tyrannical country. A country where there was no Moslems, and ruled by a cruel king and authority. “Leave your wife there”, Prophet Ibrahim said “sami’na wa athana ala amri Rabbiy” I hear it and I obey the command of my God. “O’ my beloved wife Sarah, I was ordered to leave you here alone”. Why? Because Allah wants his wife to have her own faith, doesn’t always depend on her husband, instead she should always trust in Allah. Hence his wife replied “O’ Ibrahim, am I here alone?, this is the tyrannical country..!, the king is a tyrant.!”. Prophet Ibrahim said, “this is the order from Allah”, hence he (Prophet Ibrahim) left his wife. Not long after, the king saw Sayyidatuna Sarah, a beautiful woman and he wanted her to be taken to the palace. “Take her to my palace”, she was taken by the troops. Indeed Sayyidatuna Sarah was a weak woman, couldn’t defend herself, thus she was taken to that king.
And indeed she has known the bad intention of that tyrant king, in which if she refused his will, it means she will risk her life, what if she died while her husband Nabiyullah Ibrahim alaihissalam hasn’t returned?. Then what did Sayyidatuna Sarah do?, while taking wudhu (ritual washing) she prayed, “O” Allah if indeed You trust and You know that I am faithful to You O’ Rabb hence don’t give power to that tyrant king, if my faith is true, You admit that I am a Moslem that never be hypocritical about You and admit Prophet Ibrahim is Your messenger (because of that era) hence don’t make that king overpower me”. Hence when she met with that king, suddenly that king saw Sayyidatuna Sarah and with trembled knees, that king fell down with no reasons whatsoever, because he was subdued by the power of Allah S.W.T. The king said “take out this woman, release her…release her!!”. When I faced her, I felt like facing the powerful lion that would tear me down. As if tens of lions protected her, take her out from my presence, I couldn’t face her anymore. A tyrannical king was subdued, while the fragile woman has the power of Illahi. Where is your power, all subdued with the power of Rabbul Alamin. The God Almighty in the world and sky, He is Allah S.W.T.
Allah declared, “sari’u ilaa maghfiratin min rabbikum wa jannatin ardhuhaassamawati wal ard” rush you all towards forgiveness from your God, reach His forgiveness soon, reach and get all His Love and heaven that is wider than the whole sky and world. QS. Ali Imran: 133. Reach it after you all receive My forgiveness, reach the heaven, said Allah.
ImageJust now we learnt how wide this world is, how wide the sky is, and it is only the first sky, and only as far as human knowledge can reach. Perhaps it is 1000X or even 1.000.000X much bigger than what has been known by human at this time, the width of the sky as we have yet to find the sky’s edge. As long as they still study all kind of possibilities and not yet find the edge of the sky, either go up or down to the left or right, they will keep finding space which is even further, and this is the extension of Allah on the first sky. And the heaven is even wider than the whole sky and earth. Allah offers it to all of us, the true valley of happiness and pleasure, here we can find the palaces of God’ Blessings in which Allah built especially for His servants the followers of Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah,
Rasul S.A.W is the most perfect mankind and his teachings are the gentlest guidance. As written in Shahih Bukhari, when a young man came to Rasul S.A.W to tell about his sins, Rasul S.A.W didn’t answer it, but Allah is the one who answered, as declared by Allah “innal hasanaat yudzhibnassayyi’at” that the merits (of good deeds) will wipe out the sins.
For those who are filled with sins, hence increase the merits. I have unfortunately committed many sins, thus multiply the good deeds because those who increase his good deeds will be forgiven all his sins and be guided towards dignity. My tongue has many times talked about or hurt people’s feeling, how could I make my tongue stop from talking about others? Increase your time to recite Alqur’anulkarim, heal your lips with the kalamullah Jalla Wa Alla, multiply dzikrullah. This is how to mend sharp tongue.
“I have committed many sins with my hands,” hence increase good deeds with your hands. If you make sins with eyes thus increase good deeds with eyes. “innal hasanaat yudzhibnassayyi’at” indeed the merits (of good deeds) wipe out sins. Mend our sins with merits. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the magnificence of guidance from Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W. This shows how magnificent Allah is.
ImageAs written in Shahih Bukhari, Rasul S.A.W noticed Nuaiman radiyallahu anhum drank alcohol. It was when the verse on prohibition of drinking alcohol (khamr) was released, hence those who still drink alcohol would be punished. Nuaiman drank alcohol, he was punished. Not long after, he got drunk again, and punished again, and just few days after that, he would drink alcohol again, until the comrades said, “alaihi la’natullah” the curse of Allah. kept on drinking alcohol, kept on going drunk. Rasul S.A.W declared “indeed all of you, don’t curse Nuaiman because I know, in the name of Allah he loves Allah and His Rasul”. To a drunkard, Rasul said “in the name of Allah he loves Allah and His Rasul”. This news was delivered to Nuaiman, “you keep on drinking, just now Rasulullah said that in the name of Allah you love Allah and Rasul”. Upon hearing this, Nuaiman radiyallahu anhum cried, “Rasul said I was loved by Allah and Rasul?” hence I repented towards Allah S.W.T. How magnificent it is, the guidance of Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W. Saying 1,2 sentences that shivered the stubborn soul which was not cured by laws, but surrendered with 1,2 beautiful sentences coming out from the most magnificent soul, from the light of Allah The Most Magnificent. This is the guidance from Muhammad Rasulullah S.A.W.
The comrades of Rasul S.A.W said “kunna nasma’ tasbihuttha’am wa nahnu na’kul” as written in Shahih Bukhari. When we were eating, if Rasulullah was eating together with us, we often heard the voice of tasbih (praise of God) from the food being touched by the fingers of The Prophet S.A.W, we could hear the tasbih and dzikir when that food was touched by the hand of Muhammad Rasulullah S.A.W. Those foods recite tasbih and we heard it. This is how Allah made the magnificent of The Prophet S.A.W and things around The Prophet S.A.W. And those who love The Prophet S.A.W is the ones with the most perfect faith.
As written in Shahih Bukhari that on the Judgment Day, on that time, when people are in trouble, everyone is asked his or her responsibilities towards each of letter he has once said, when all humankind is interrogated on each of his breath, when each dust stepped by him becomes the witness, on that time, being lifted maqam mahmudah (the praised degree) for Nabiyyuna Muhammad S.A.W. All in the mahsyar field praises the magnificent degree of Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W at that time.
ImageWe perform silent prayer towards Allah S.W.T, may Allah S.W.T make our days filled with the light of longing for Allah S.W.T, O’ The Most Magnificent, O’ The God Almighty who built the kingdom of sky and earth from nothing to something, O’ The Sustainer of The World who takes care of the whole world, kindly take care of our bad behaviors and change them all, replace them with noble behaviors, kindly change our bad actions with the light of Your beauty, and our days which are filled with problems, kindly replace them with happiness. O’ The Supreme Being, The Possessor of all situation, O’ The Cherisher who poured down happiness from era to era, O’ The Most Gracious who gives pleasures towards each kind of life, O’ The Possessor of each of His servants’ breath, O’ God Almighty who sees all souls of Your servants, we gather tonight and You Are The Witness each of our intentions, all of our problems, all of our difficulties, all of our sins and mistakes, we run towards Your door of merciful The God Almighty, we run towards Your door of generosity The Cherisher, we run towards Your door of magnificence The Most Magnificent, O’ Allah The Most Gracious who gives Happiness in the ocean of prosperity that is never ending, call His Name, call the Name of Allah Jalla Wa Alla, call the Name of Allah, shiver your lips to call His Name The God Almighty, may these lips can always move to call His Name in the calls of longing for Him. O’ Rabbiy shine our souls with Your light, shine each of our breath with Your light, we understand this whole world belongs to You, we know that this earth You are the owner, we understand that You are the owner, hence kindly straighten Your servants from all kind of humiliation, reorganize Your servants from all kind of destruction, clear up Your servants from all troubles and problems.
Faquuluuu jamii’an (recite this together) Ya Allah, Ya Allah..Ya Allah..
Faquuluuu jamii'an (recite this together) Laillahailallah Laillahailallah Laillahailallah Muhammadurrasulullah
Not to forget, we pray for our guests. Our beloved father Habib Musthofa Al Aththas and Habib Musthofa, may being blessed by the Blessing from Allah and to other habaib who come together with us tonight. KH. Djamaludin from Pengadegan, KH. Abdul Khair from Pengadegan and Mr. H. Yusuf and H. Ashraf Ali and all of our guests may they all are blessed in dhahiran wa bathinan. And for all of us who come, Rabbiy Rabbiy kindly make all of our face to be seeing the beauty of Your Essence, Rabbiy. And our days will always be in longing for You and make our days beautiful always an always long for Your magnificence. Ya Rahman Ya Rahim. We continue with praying together, praying for all Moslems with our prayer Ya Arhamar Rahimin Farij A’lal Muslimin, as written in Shahih Muslim, Rasul S.A.W declared “to those who pray for his Moslem brother/sister, the angels will recite “amin walaka mitsluh”, if we pray one good thing for our Moslem brothers, thus the angles say “amin dan untukmu kebaikan itu”. If we ask for help for all Moslems, countless the number of Moslems in this world who are in trouble, who are sad, who are in difficulties, all will be touched by our return back to us.
Washollallahu ala Sayyidina Muhammad Nabiyyil Ummiy wa Shohbihi wa Sallam.
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 28 July 2009 )

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Written by Munzir Almusawa   
Monday, 27 July 2009
Allah Loves Forgiving People
Monday, 4th May 2009

قال رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ : رَحِمَ اللَّهُ رَجُلًا سَمْحًا إِذَا بَاعَ وَإِذَا اشْتَرَى وَإِذَا اقْتَضَى (صحيح البخاري

Rasulullah S.A.W declared:
“In the world of trading, Allah loves the forgiving and lenient person towards his debts and loans.” (Shahih Bukhari)

ImageAssalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
All Praise Be to Allah S.W.T The Most Gracious, The Brightest who shines the souls of His servants with graciousness, and there is nothing more beautiful in the whole life other than faith to get closer towards Allah, there is no graciousness of all kind of life who had ever lived since the offspring of Adam a.s, from Nabiyullah Adam alaihis salam and Sayyidatuna Hawa alaiha salam until the last mankind on earth, there is no dignified life more than the life of the lovers of Allah. Those who want to be closer to Allah, those who want to reach the true success from all kind of victories, the peak and the end of all kind of career, the highest status and profession from all kind of profession is the real closeness towards Allah in the eternal and luxurious palace.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah,
Until their souls filled with only love and longing for Allah, and that is the most magnificent soul. They will not dwell on the torments of hell or the magnificent of heaven anymore. But all they are longing for is to get close to and be loved by Allah, that’s all what they want. Hence we might ask why The Prophet S.A.W always asks for heaven and avoiding the fire of hell, does it mean that The Prophet .S.AW still wants heaven and still worries about hell? No, but those from the shiddiqin and muqarrabin people know that heaven is the place for those who are loved by Allah and hell is the place for those who are hated by Allah. Therefore they ask for heaven, because heaven is the place for those who are loved by Allah.
ImageLadies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah,
Allah S.W.T has treated us tonight by gathering the angels who are witnessing the guests of Allah who attend the mosques or those who sit for worshipping Allah. Thus Rasul S.A.W declared “malaikat laa tazaal yusholli ala ahadikum” (Shahih Bukhari) incessantly the angels recite shalawat and prayer for all of you when some of you still sit inside the mosque in holy state or still sit on the spot where they perform shalat or worshipping, hence the angels will keep praying for them with this prayer “allahumma shalli a’laihi allahummarhamhu” O’ Allah kindly pour to them shalawat and nobility, O’ Allah kindly love them. The angels will continue praying for us with that prayer as long as we still sit in this majelis, inside the palace of Allah’s Blessings (Mosque), on earth. It shows us how Allah indulge and glorify us, how magnificent it is the love of Allah towards us, so that He summons all angels to pray for those who want to be close to Him, those who come as guests in the palace of His blessings, to the mosques or mushalla or to any worshipping place, even if it is only his own sajadah (praying mat), as long as he still sits on that place, the angels will keep on praying for him.
Now we come to this noble hadits, as written in Shahih Bukhari “rahimallahu rajulan samhan idzaa baa’a wa izaa isytaraa wa izaaqtadhaa” the love of Allah will always be abundant to anyone who, when he buys or sells (in his trading business) always be happy to forgive, make things easier and simpler. If he buys, he will not bargain too much, if he sells, he will not take too much profit and not lying to his customers. “..wa izaaqtadha” and when they pay each other’s debts. When they have debts, with his good manner, he will come to the person he borrows the money from and he will return the money properly, in a polite and noble way. Likewise, if someone else borrows money from him, he will ask or dun it in a polite and nice way. This kind of people is definitely loved by Allah, glorified by Allah. Allah declared, “wailullilmuthaffifiin; alladzina idzaktaaluu a’lannasi yastawfuun; waidza kaaluuhum awwazanuuhum yukhsiruun; ala yadhunnu ulaaika annahummab’utsun; liyawmin a’dhim; yaumayaquumunnaasu lirabbil a’lamin” (QS. Al Muthaffifiin: 1-5). Allah S.W.T declared: Be cursed to traders, who cheat in scaling with their weighing machine, (Qs. Al-Muthaffifiin: 1). When they shop, they ask for the most fairness scale, as not to have the wrong or cheated weight, but when they sell, they reduce the weight trickily. (Qs. Al-Muthaffifiin: 2), be cursed to all of them, declared Allah S.W.T. didn’t they know that sooner or later they will be standing on the most dreadful day (Qs. Al-Muthaffifiin: 4-5). The most magnificent day, the day when Allah S.W.T makes each human stand individually to face Him, at that time, how unlucky to those traders who are tricky and sly. Those who are being tricky to a weighing machine would be so doomed, even worse to those being tricky towards the seller or buyer by cheating.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah,
Rasul S.A.W guided us towards the most magnificent guidance, towards the noblest tutorial and this is the guidance from our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. And Rasul S.A.W is the best person in performing good deeds. When he S.A.W lends money to others, he S.A.W alone would return it in the most decent way. As written in Shahih Bukhari, how Rasul S.A.W borrowed money from a Jewish (someone outside Islam) hence the Jewish, though he knows that Rasulullah S.A.W is a trustworthy person, still asked for a warranty and Rasulullah S.A.W gave his iron clothes as warranty. And the money he borrowed was to treat his guests. How magnificent it is, the manner of Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W.
And Rasul S.A.W is the one with the most perfect manner. As written in Shahih Bukhari, when Rasul S.A.W walked, he found a date fell to the ground, while taking it, he said “lawla antakuna shadaqah la..” if not because of being afraid that this is date for shadaqah (alms) (because alms couldn’t be eaten by Rasul S.A.W, but can be for other Moslems) I would definitely eat it, said The Prophet S.A.W. This is from appreciating rezki (subsistence) found on the surface of earth which comes from Allah, and it is considered luqatah (discovered things which have no value). So, if we find things that have no value, we can take them, but for valuable things we couldn’t have it, until 1 year. We could take it, touch it, but we must try to find the owner or announce it for 1 year, and if after 1 year, the owner still doesn’t come, we can use it but if the owner comes we should return it, or replace it with money. That is the regulation for discovered things.
Aside from our discussion tonight, there have been many reports that pickpockets also attend this majelis regularly. Subhanallah!! While people come here for a good cause, and you (the thief) come to harm those who have good intentions. It has never crossed my mind, in such most dignified majelis like this, there are people who come with bad intention to harm and conduct crime to those who come for the blessings of Allah S.W.T. Allah’s anger is indescribable in their life in this world and the life after. May Allah give them all God’s guidance, the anger and the rage of Allah is indescribable towards those who conduct any harm towards His guests. People come to recite Al Qur’an and go home without their hand-phone, as the hand-phone has gone, stolen by the thief. Subhanallah, repent!! O’ those who have bad intention in this majelis, because catastrophes and disaster will come to you, poverty, destruction in this world and in the life after, may Allah give them guidance.
ImageLadies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah,
The Prophet S.A.W declared, as written in Shahih Bukhari, “there will be one time, when humankind doesn’t care anymore what things come to him, whether those are legal (permitted according to Islam) or illegal”. People don’t want to distinguish it anymore, which one is legal and which one is not. That era will come, said Prophet S.A.W, and that era has come to us now.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the time for us to be better, these are our young people and our majelis in which Allah S.W.T had given Inayah (gift) always, for us to make our majelis more prosperous, all these noble majelis. May Allah S.W.T make it more prosperous, Amin Allahumma Amin. And make those who attend it within the state of prosperity in the world and beyond.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah,
As written in Shahih Bukhari, how magnificent it was when The Prophet S.A.W gave tarbiyah towards all his comrades with the best guidance. Some news came to The Prophet S.A.W that Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash alaihimaa ridhwanallah performed night prayers and recited Alqur’an all nights, and during daytime he was fasting, day after day he performed it. Hence Rasul S.A.W called him, “is that true that you (perform shalat all night), at night how long you read Alqur’an?” he replied “I finish Alqur’an each night, O’ Rasulullah”. “and during the day?”, “during daytime I am fasting everyday O’ Rasulullah”. Rasul S.A.W said “don’t do it!, read Alqur’an once a month you can finish / khatam (1 day = 1 chapter)” this is the best and sunnah (strongly suggested) for us. Those who have busy activities are strongly suggested to read 1 chapter 1 day if possible. Rasul S.A.W taught it, within 1 month 1X finish and performs fasting 3 days in a month. Hence Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash said, “O’ Rasulullah, I am able to do more than that, O’ Rasulullah”. Suddenly Rasul S.A.W’s face changed, he had given suggestion but his suggestion was argued. Hence Rasul S.A.W replied, “Then in 1 week 3 days fasting”, Abdullah answered, “O’ Rasulllah I could do more than that”. He kept on asking and asking, until finally Rasul S.A.W said, “Then 1 day fasting 1 day off alternately, this is the fasting of Prophet Daud a.s, and nothing more than that”. It means that Rasul S.A.W didn’t allow anybody to fast more than the fasting of Nabiyullah Daud a.s which is fasting every other day. This is the most number of fasting allowed for the faithful followers of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
ImageUntil not long after, Rasul S.A.W passed away and until khilafah and until Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash retold this hadits long after the passing away of The Prophet S.A.W. He said, “Why didn’t I take the suggestion from The Prophet S.A.W from the very beginning, what’s the point of all my abundant religious services if only all of them offended the feeling of Rasulullah S.A.W”. If I have taken the suggestion from The Prophet S.A.W from the beginning so that he S.A.W would be happy for me, so that The Prophet S.A.W would love me because I accept his S.A.W last will, this all would be much more precious than all my religious services, which are the worships based on sunnah of Rasul S.A.W. Although he already struggled by performing fasting ala Nabiyullah Daud or struggled with any other good deeds, he is not yet to find a chance to give pleasure to the heart of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah,
May Allah S.W.T always pour His Blessing and Prosperity in this gathering, I will not deliver such a long tausiyah, as we have the presence of Al Habib Aththas bin Muhammad bin Salim bin Hafidh may all the Blessing and Prosperity be with him. It is also not appropriate for me to speak here delivering tausiyah in front of him, but because of his command and the love towards The Prophet S.A.W. May Allah S.W.T raise our rank to the highest, may Allah glorify our days, raise our level, get rid of all kind of our problems and keep us away from our enemies. Rabbiy kindly protect us from all kind of denials, Rabbiy kindly protect us from all sins, Rabbiy protect us from all difficulties, Rabbiy protect us from all disasters, Rabbiy protect us from all crimes, Rabbiy protect us from all tyrants, Ya Rahman Ya Rahim Ya Dzaljalali wal ikram, O’ The Cherisher Who deserves most to be loved, O’ The Holiest, O’ The Most Gracious, O’ The Most Powerful in taking away the willingness to perform sins, take away the willingness to perform all kind of sins from our soul, all kind of intentions that You abhor and kindly replace them with things that You approve.
Faquuluuu jamii’an (recite this together) Ya Allah, Ya Allah..Ya Allah..
Faquuluuu jamii'an (recite this together) Laillahailallah Laillahailallah Laillahailallah Muhammadurrasulullah
We conclude our program by reciting prayer together in qasidah Ya Arhamar Rahimin and after that, a closing prayer by the one we glorified and loved, our beloved father Fadhilatul Sayyid Al Habib Aththas bin Muhammad bin Salim bin Hafidh, may he be given the Blessing and Prosperity from Allah S.W.T.
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 28 July 2009 )

Written by Munzir Almusawa   
Monday, 27 July 2009
Allah Loves Forgiving People
Monday, 4th May 2009

قال رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ : رَحِمَ اللَّهُ رَجُلًا سَمْحًا إِذَا بَاعَ وَإِذَا اشْتَرَى وَإِذَا اقْتَضَى (صحيح البخاري

Rasulullah S.A.W declared:
“In the world of trading, Allah loves the forgiving and lenient person towards his debts and loans.” (Shahih Bukhari)

ImageAssalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
All Praise Be to Allah S.W.T The Most Gracious, The Brightest who shines the souls of His servants with graciousness, and there is nothing more beautiful in the whole life other than faith to get closer towards Allah, there is no graciousness of all kind of life who had ever lived since the offspring of Adam a.s, from Nabiyullah Adam alaihis salam and Sayyidatuna Hawa alaiha salam until the last mankind on earth, there is no dignified life more than the life of the lovers of Allah. Those who want to be closer to Allah, those who want to reach the true success from all kind of victories, the peak and the end of all kind of career, the highest status and profession from all kind of profession is the real closeness towards Allah in the eternal and luxurious palace.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah,
Until their souls filled with only love and longing for Allah, and that is the most magnificent soul. They will not dwell on the torments of hell or the magnificent of heaven anymore. But all they are longing for is to get close to and be loved by Allah, that’s all what they want. Hence we might ask why The Prophet S.A.W always asks for heaven and avoiding the fire of hell, does it mean that The Prophet .S.AW still wants heaven and still worries about hell? No, but those from the shiddiqin and muqarrabin people know that heaven is the place for those who are loved by Allah and hell is the place for those who are hated by Allah. Therefore they ask for heaven, because heaven is the place for those who are loved by Allah.
ImageLadies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah,
Allah S.W.T has treated us tonight by gathering the angels who are witnessing the guests of Allah who attend the mosques or those who sit for worshipping Allah. Thus Rasul S.A.W declared “malaikat laa tazaal yusholli ala ahadikum” (Shahih Bukhari) incessantly the angels recite shalawat and prayer for all of you when some of you still sit inside the mosque in holy state or still sit on the spot where they perform shalat or worshipping, hence the angels will keep praying for them with this prayer “allahumma shalli a’laihi allahummarhamhu” O’ Allah kindly pour to them shalawat and nobility, O’ Allah kindly love them. The angels will continue praying for us with that prayer as long as we still sit in this majelis, inside the palace of Allah’s Blessings (Mosque), on earth. It shows us how Allah indulge and glorify us, how magnificent it is the love of Allah towards us, so that He summons all angels to pray for those who want to be close to Him, those who come as guests in the palace of His blessings, to the mosques or mushalla or to any worshipping place, even if it is only his own sajadah (praying mat), as long as he still sits on that place, the angels will keep on praying for him.
Now we come to this noble hadits, as written in Shahih Bukhari “rahimallahu rajulan samhan idzaa baa’a wa izaa isytaraa wa izaaqtadhaa” the love of Allah will always be abundant to anyone who, when he buys or sells (in his trading business) always be happy to forgive, make things easier and simpler. If he buys, he will not bargain too much, if he sells, he will not take too much profit and not lying to his customers. “..wa izaaqtadha” and when they pay each other’s debts. When they have debts, with his good manner, he will come to the person he borrows the money from and he will return the money properly, in a polite and noble way. Likewise, if someone else borrows money from him, he will ask or dun it in a polite and nice way. This kind of people is definitely loved by Allah, glorified by Allah. Allah declared, “wailullilmuthaffifiin; alladzina idzaktaaluu a’lannasi yastawfuun; waidza kaaluuhum awwazanuuhum yukhsiruun; ala yadhunnu ulaaika annahummab’utsun; liyawmin a’dhim; yaumayaquumunnaasu lirabbil a’lamin” (QS. Al Muthaffifiin: 1-5). Allah S.W.T declared: Be cursed to traders, who cheat in scaling with their weighing machine, (Qs. Al-Muthaffifiin: 1). When they shop, they ask for the most fairness scale, as not to have the wrong or cheated weight, but when they sell, they reduce the weight trickily. (Qs. Al-Muthaffifiin: 2), be cursed to all of them, declared Allah S.W.T. didn’t they know that sooner or later they will be standing on the most dreadful day (Qs. Al-Muthaffifiin: 4-5). The most magnificent day, the day when Allah S.W.T makes each human stand individually to face Him, at that time, how unlucky to those traders who are tricky and sly. Those who are being tricky to a weighing machine would be so doomed, even worse to those being tricky towards the seller or buyer by cheating.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah,
Rasul S.A.W guided us towards the most magnificent guidance, towards the noblest tutorial and this is the guidance from our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. And Rasul S.A.W is the best person in performing good deeds. When he S.A.W lends money to others, he S.A.W alone would return it in the most decent way. As written in Shahih Bukhari, how Rasul S.A.W borrowed money from a Jewish (someone outside Islam) hence the Jewish, though he knows that Rasulullah S.A.W is a trustworthy person, still asked for a warranty and Rasulullah S.A.W gave his iron clothes as warranty. And the money he borrowed was to treat his guests. How magnificent it is, the manner of Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W.
And Rasul S.A.W is the one with the most perfect manner. As written in Shahih Bukhari, when Rasul S.A.W walked, he found a date fell to the ground, while taking it, he said “lawla antakuna shadaqah la..” if not because of being afraid that this is date for shadaqah (alms) (because alms couldn’t be eaten by Rasul S.A.W, but can be for other Moslems) I would definitely eat it, said The Prophet S.A.W. This is from appreciating rezki (subsistence) found on the surface of earth which comes from Allah, and it is considered luqatah (discovered things which have no value). So, if we find things that have no value, we can take them, but for valuable things we couldn’t have it, until 1 year. We could take it, touch it, but we must try to find the owner or announce it for 1 year, and if after 1 year, the owner still doesn’t come, we can use it but if the owner comes we should return it, or replace it with money. That is the regulation for discovered things.
Aside from our discussion tonight, there have been many reports that pickpockets also attend this majelis regularly. Subhanallah!! While people come here for a good cause, and you (the thief) come to harm those who have good intentions. It has never crossed my mind, in such most dignified majelis like this, there are people who come with bad intention to harm and conduct crime to those who come for the blessings of Allah S.W.T. Allah’s anger is indescribable in their life in this world and the life after. May Allah give them all God’s guidance, the anger and the rage of Allah is indescribable towards those who conduct any harm towards His guests. People come to recite Al Qur’an and go home without their hand-phone, as the hand-phone has gone, stolen by the thief. Subhanallah, repent!! O’ those who have bad intention in this majelis, because catastrophes and disaster will come to you, poverty, destruction in this world and in the life after, may Allah give them guidance.
ImageLadies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah,
The Prophet S.A.W declared, as written in Shahih Bukhari, “there will be one time, when humankind doesn’t care anymore what things come to him, whether those are legal (permitted according to Islam) or illegal”. People don’t want to distinguish it anymore, which one is legal and which one is not. That era will come, said Prophet S.A.W, and that era has come to us now.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the time for us to be better, these are our young people and our majelis in which Allah S.W.T had given Inayah (gift) always, for us to make our majelis more prosperous, all these noble majelis. May Allah S.W.T make it more prosperous, Amin Allahumma Amin. And make those who attend it within the state of prosperity in the world and beyond.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah,
As written in Shahih Bukhari, how magnificent it was when The Prophet S.A.W gave tarbiyah towards all his comrades with the best guidance. Some news came to The Prophet S.A.W that Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash alaihimaa ridhwanallah performed night prayers and recited Alqur’an all nights, and during daytime he was fasting, day after day he performed it. Hence Rasul S.A.W called him, “is that true that you (perform shalat all night), at night how long you read Alqur’an?” he replied “I finish Alqur’an each night, O’ Rasulullah”. “and during the day?”, “during daytime I am fasting everyday O’ Rasulullah”. Rasul S.A.W said “don’t do it!, read Alqur’an once a month you can finish / khatam (1 day = 1 chapter)” this is the best and sunnah (strongly suggested) for us. Those who have busy activities are strongly suggested to read 1 chapter 1 day if possible. Rasul S.A.W taught it, within 1 month 1X finish and performs fasting 3 days in a month. Hence Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash said, “O’ Rasulullah, I am able to do more than that, O’ Rasulullah”. Suddenly Rasul S.A.W’s face changed, he had given suggestion but his suggestion was argued. Hence Rasul S.A.W replied, “Then in 1 week 3 days fasting”, Abdullah answered, “O’ Rasulllah I could do more than that”. He kept on asking and asking, until finally Rasul S.A.W said, “Then 1 day fasting 1 day off alternately, this is the fasting of Prophet Daud a.s, and nothing more than that”. It means that Rasul S.A.W didn’t allow anybody to fast more than the fasting of Nabiyullah Daud a.s which is fasting every other day. This is the most number of fasting allowed for the faithful followers of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
ImageUntil not long after, Rasul S.A.W passed away and until khilafah and until Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash retold this hadits long after the passing away of The Prophet S.A.W. He said, “Why didn’t I take the suggestion from The Prophet S.A.W from the very beginning, what’s the point of all my abundant religious services if only all of them offended the feeling of Rasulullah S.A.W”. If I have taken the suggestion from The Prophet S.A.W from the beginning so that he S.A.W would be happy for me, so that The Prophet S.A.W would love me because I accept his S.A.W last will, this all would be much more precious than all my religious services, which are the worships based on sunnah of Rasul S.A.W. Although he already struggled by performing fasting ala Nabiyullah Daud or struggled with any other good deeds, he is not yet to find a chance to give pleasure to the heart of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah,
May Allah S.W.T always pour His Blessing and Prosperity in this gathering, I will not deliver such a long tausiyah, as we have the presence of Al Habib Aththas bin Muhammad bin Salim bin Hafidh may all the Blessing and Prosperity be with him. It is also not appropriate for me to speak here delivering tausiyah in front of him, but because of his command and the love towards The Prophet S.A.W. May Allah S.W.T raise our rank to the highest, may Allah glorify our days, raise our level, get rid of all kind of our problems and keep us away from our enemies. Rabbiy kindly protect us from all kind of denials, Rabbiy kindly protect us from all sins, Rabbiy protect us from all difficulties, Rabbiy protect us from all disasters, Rabbiy protect us from all crimes, Rabbiy protect us from all tyrants, Ya Rahman Ya Rahim Ya Dzaljalali wal ikram, O’ The Cherisher Who deserves most to be loved, O’ The Holiest, O’ The Most Gracious, O’ The Most Powerful in taking away the willingness to perform sins, take away the willingness to perform all kind of sins from our soul, all kind of intentions that You abhor and kindly replace them with things that You approve.
Faquuluuu jamii’an (recite this together) Ya Allah, Ya Allah..Ya Allah..
Faquuluuu jamii'an (recite this together) Laillahailallah Laillahailallah Laillahailallah Muhammadurrasulullah
We conclude our program by reciting prayer together in qasidah Ya Arhamar Rahimin and after that, a closing prayer by the one we glorified and loved, our beloved father Fadhilatul Sayyid Al Habib Aththas bin Muhammad bin Salim bin Hafidh, may he be given the Blessing and Prosperity from Allah S.W.T.
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 28 July 2009 )

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The Secret of a Fly’s Wings

Written by Munzir Almusawa   
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
The Secret of a Fly’s Wings
Monday, 18th May 2009

قَالَ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ:
إِذَا وَقَعَ الذُّبَابُ فِي شَرَابِ أَحَدِكُمْ فَلْيَغْمِسْهُ ثُمَّ لِيَنْزِعْهُ فَإِنَّ فِي إِحْدَى جَنَاحَيْهِ دَاءً وَالْأُخْرَى شِفَاءً

(صحيح البخاري)
Rasulullah S.A.W declared:
“If a fly falls into your drink, drown it then take it out, indeed one of its wings has disease while the other wing has the remedy.” (Shahih Bukhari)

ImageAssalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
All the Praise be to Allah S.W.T The Supreme Being, The God Almighty in the world and sky, The Only God and Everlasting even before the whole world has been created, until it is thoroughly created and being guided on how to maintain it by the most perfect guidance, until the world is over. He is (Allah) The Only God without the beginning or the end. Being existed with all creatures that must have the beginning and ending. While Allah is The Creator of the beginning and the end, hence Allah is never dependent on the words of beginning and end.
He is The Only One, The Everlasting S.W.T, “laysa kamitslihi syai’un” there is nothing like Him, He is incomparable. QS. Assyura: 11. And unite all the perfection within His Name, The Only God, Allah S.W.T throughout the periods of time. The more a man learns what the world has; he will understand further the secret of God’s Magnificence. The more he studies the sunnah of The Prophet S.A.W the messenger of Blessings, hence he will further understand how magnificent Allah Jalla Wa Alla and His lessons are.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah,
Within this noble gathering, gathered as many servants whom souls are seen and noticed by Rabbul Alamin, The Most Observer towards each deepest feeling, The Most Watcher towards all things we have done in life, The Most Omniscient what will happen tomorrow and The Supreme Being Who is able to turn and twist our condition in the future. He is The Only God, Allah Allah Jalla Wa Alla The Most Eternal, Allah who is always glorified and always grand in the whole world, overseeing this World Kingdom with perfection.
Now we have come to the hadits of The Prophet, Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W. As written in Shahih Bukhari, one hadits that sounds trivial but indeed reveals the secret of nobility and perfection as well as modernity of the lessons from Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W. He S.A.W declared, “idza waqa’adzdzubabu fi syarabi ahadikum falyaghmishu tsumma liyanzi’hu fainna fi ihda janahaiyhi da’an wal ukhra syifa’an” if a fly falls into your glass, drown it, because one if its wings has disease while the other wing has its remedy.
It doesn’t mean that we must do this all the time. What we are discussing here is indeed not about a fly falling down into the glass that must be drown, because what it means from this hadits is not a command, but something that may neutralize the water from the fly’s poison. This has been proved by our scientists, as they studied about the insects on earth. They found out the enormous marvels of those insects, that a fly flaps its wings 200 to 400X (times) each second. And each second, the fly moves its wings 200 to 400X movements. And for an animal called “Ganjur” even flaps its wings 1000X each second. The scientists studied 4 kinds of insects, they learnt about those creatures and said that they just studied 4 kinds of insects while there are still left approximately more than 10 million kind of insects in this world. And certainly, they found out many discoveries and miracles from those insects, and they said that in each of the wings of a fly, there are elevator and depressor functions, which meant as the function of elevating and lowering its wings. And it moves 200 to 400X each second, and the amazing movement of the fly which always moves in many minutes or even hours. Such fast movement of the muscles that moves the wings of such a tiny fly is amazing.
Allah S.W.T commanded “ya ayyuhannaas..” O’ humankind, has been given to all of you one example, thus listen to the example I have given, those who admit God aside from Allah S.W.T will never be able to create a fly although from naught, although all of them who are worshipped other than Allah gather together.” (QS Al Hajj 73).
All that are worshipped other than Allah gather together to create a fly, they will never be able to do it, they will never be able to create a tiny fly although they are all united.
A tiny fly, as explained by researchers from Australia, in one of its wings they found 1 RESILIN GENE, a gene that has 2 functions, an industrial function and health function. Function towards the industry is that this Resilin gene is much more powerful and enormous than all kind of rubbers found and made by humankind on this earth. The kind of rubber is taken from rubber trees or any other thing, while the Resilin gene found in the wings of a fly is much stronger and more powerful if used as rubber as it has the powerful capacity to push and press as well as the enormous capacity to bounce and these are all found from the wings of a fly and other insect that can vibrate until 1000X each second, like a creature called ‘ganjur’ or other insects.
And for the health function, the Resilin gene is a gene that can cure diseases found in the arteries and nerves. There are a lot of blockages or clogging in the arteries (blood vessels) and these Resilin genes from the wings of a fly can cure such disease. This shows the magnificent and perfection and the intelligence of Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W.
If a fly falls into your glass, drown it. It means, the Resilin genes in its wings would be absorbed by the water that makes the water purified from bacteria found in the other wing.
Who informed The Prophet S.A.W that there is Resilin genes that can cure the clogging in the arteries or blood vessels while those genes are not even visible..?. We can see them through a microscope and it takes many years to study it, but The Prophet S.A.W knew that in the wings of a fly there are remedies and diseases, until the grains of the genes and cells of a fly’s wings had been discovered by Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W.
The more a person study about sunnah, hence the more perfect and modern his life would become. Ladies and gentlemen, this shows how magnificent it is our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, whose guidance seemed to be trivial if we have yet to study it. Those who don’t understand would certainly laugh, how could a fly that already falls into the water, should be drown? But The Prophet S.A.W knew “..fainna fi ihda jana haihi da’an wal ukhra syifa’an” because on its wings there are disease as well as remedy. And in fact, our scientists prove it, the depth and sharpness of the awareness of Muhammad Rasulullah S.A.W.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah,
This is the perfection of Allah S.W.T in creating the sunnah of The Prophet S.A.W, as written in Shahih Bukhari, Rasul S.A.W declared “if you sleep, turn off the light.” So simple, we might think that turning off the lights meant that we would save the oil of the lantern, at that time. But actually it was not that simple, in fact the human body produces energy when they sleep and the energy comes out from the body will mend the broken cells in the body, and those energies would be disturbed by the presence of lights. This kind of thing has been discovered by Muhammad Rasulullah S.A.W. If you sleep, turn off the lights. At that period of tiem, 14 centuries ago, they didn’t understand about body energy and such. The Prophet S.A.W has known it although at that era, people have yet to come to this kind of knowledge. The Prophet S.A.W taught it, follow His sunnah. Here comes the time to prove it that in fact The Prophet S.A.W knew that the energy which comes out from the human body when sleeping will be disturbed by the light. His command is clear, therefore if you sleep, please turn off the lights to make the energy in your body works well in mending your body. It shows the perfection of the lessons from Muhammad Rasullah S.A.W. and Rasul S.A.W declared “there is none of you (it means all of you) will face the Creator, the God and he will be standing alone, and nobody will accompany him” (when he stands up to face the Rabb) (Shahih Bukhari).
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah,
There are more than 10 million kinds of insects found on this earth and each of the insects has its own different kind of rules. Each insect has its own wing’s speed, ranging from 200 to 400X each second, or even could reach up to 1000X each second. While there are 10 million kinds of insects, then who controls this all? Could the insect systematize its own movement? Or other functions of its muscles and nerves? They could only live without knowing why they live. This is the nature of an insect, a bee with its own benefit, a fly or a mosquito, each represents the sign of the God’s magnificence. And all of them are under Allah’s willing. Recognizing this all, The Great Creator, He is Allah. Return to Him and not to the depth science on a fly or insects but study more on who the creator of it all is, Rabbul Alamin..Allahu Allahu Allahu.
And we all will stand before Allah, the most significant moment. When we contemplate it, we will stand up as our name is called, and we will find as explained fulan bin fulan to come forward in the presence of Allah. As written in Shahih Bukhari, when one of the people came forward to face Allah, he was a person who longed for Allah the most when he was alive on earth. Hence when he was taken to the presence of Allah S.W.T, Allah S.W.T hid all his sins, invisible by other people on that mahsyar field and what they could see were only the rewards of his good deeds. Why? “Whoever covers the flaws of other person (Moslem’s) in the world, hence on the judgment day, his sins wouldn’t be seen”. (Shahih Bukhari) He had a lot of sins but all were hid by Allah, and not exposed to others, the way any good deeds in the majestic trial on mahsyar field would be checked. On so and so date, day, month, you conducted this, who is the witness? The witnesses are your hands, and legs. “his hands, legs, and all part of his body are the witnesses”. The earth will witness and the angels too, that this person performed so and so thing, and by that time all his offspring would see, all his friends would see, and his family and relatives and the whole people on earth would see it. But for those who always hide the flaws of other Moslems in the world, Allah will hide their sins. Also for those who come forward to the presence of Allah, those who love Allah and certainly still have sins, Allah S.W.T declared, “you conducted this and that, conducted sins on so and so day, date and in a certain place,..?”, “yes I did, O’ Allah”, “and look at this one?”, Allah would keep on questioning. And he said, “true, O’ Allah, it’s true O’ Allah”. Then Allah S.W.T declared “in the world I protected you, people who don’t know their sins. Now in the Judgment Day I pardon you”. (Shahih Bukhari). So magnificent Allah is, towards those who want to get closer towards Allah Jalla Wa Alla.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah,
As written in Shahih Bukhari, about someone who always recites Surah Al Ikhlas and keeps on repeating it many times. This story has two versions, three versions in Shahih Bukhari and Shahih Muslim. Three different stories but with one meaning, the first story is the story of a person who, every time he finished reciting Surah Al Fatihah, would recite Surah Al Ikhlas and followed by other surah from Al Qur’an. (Al Fatihah – Al Ikhlas – other surah from Al. Qu’ran), and we have discussed this story many times.
The second story was from Sayyidatuna Aisyah radiyallahu anha, that someone performed the same thing when he was in war and when he was reported to Prophet S.A.W, Prophet S.A.W said, “ask him why did he do that?”, he replied, “I’m happy to recite it because in that surah, there are characters of Allah whom I love”, I love to recite the words “Allahu ahad” (Allah The Only God) in my heart, I will never bow down to others, no matter how many sins I conducted I will never bow down and worship other than Allah… only Allah, I am happy to call His Name....” When Prophet S.A.W came to know about this news, Prophet S.A.W said, “Please tell him that Allah loves him”. Why? Because he loves to call Allah’s Name, loves to recite the character of Allah, thus Allah also loves him. Ladies and gentlemen, the love towards Allah is the one certainly answered from all kind of love. We could love anyone, but the one that would be certainly answered is the love of Allah. If we love someone, it doesn’t guarantee that person loves us back, we love someone 100% and we cannot guarantee that he would love us 100%. But if someone loves Allah 100%, Allah will love him back 200%.
“Wa idza taqarraba ilayya abdi syibran taqarabbtu ilaihi dzira’an, waidza taqarabba ilayya abdi dzira’an taqarabbtu ilaihi ba’a,” when My servants get closer to Me one span, I will get closer to him one span of arm, My servants get closer to Me one span of arm, I will get even closer to him one fathom,” (Shahih Bukhari). This is a comparison that the love of Allah will be even bigger than our love for Allah. No matter how big your love and long for Allah is, His love towards us will be even bigger. Thus, who wants to refuse the love proposal from Allah and Allah’s desire towards us? Answer the desire of Allah S.W.T and the love of Allah towards us by loving and longing for Allah.
I am a sinner days and nights, and not qualified to long for Allah… In fact, the love and desire for Allah if comes from the sinners when they want to get closer to Allah and regret, Allah S.W.T will raise their level from the lowest rank to the most dignified rank. “Innallahu yuhibbu tawwabin wa yuhibbu muthathahirin, Innahu kaana tawwaaba” indeed Allah is The Most Gracious and Merciful. No matter how big the sins of the persons are, their request for forgiveness will be accepted by Rabbul Alamin.
As written in Shahih Bukhari, when Rasul S.A.W heard the news that his comrades said Sa’ad radiyallahu anhum declared, “Whoever dares to get closer to my wife and be together with my wife, I will behead them with this sword”. The comrades informed Rasul S.A.W, “O’ Rasulullah, this Sa’ad wants to make his own rules,” something like that. The Prophet S.A.W changed the topic of conversation into something gentle, while declaring “are you all confused about Sa’as being jealous and over protective?, I would even more jealous to you all compared to Sa’ad being protective towards his wife”. Sa’ad’s love towards his wife is far less meaningful compared to my love towards all of you and I am more protective to all of you, said Rasul S.A.W. What is the meaning? I would love and even more protective. For example, if Sa’ad saw other men together with his wife, he would attack them with a sword, hence Rasul S.A.W would never let us alone, there are many of his followers in hell, no matter how big their sins are, Rasul S.A.W would fight for them, fight and struggle for them all until there are none of his people left, as he will freed them all from hell. This shows how big it is the love and protectiveness from Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W towards all of us.
“Laqad jaa akum rasulun min anfusikum a’ziizun a’laihi maa a’nittum hariishun a’laikum bil mu’miniina raufurrahiim,” has come to you all, a Prophet who has deep thoughts about the catastrophes that all of you have, very protective to you all and he is very gentle towards faithful people. QS. At Taubah : 128.
As written in Shahih Muslim, when Nabiyullah Ibrahim a.s gave up on his followers who didn’t believe in Allah and Nabiyyullah Isa a.s gave up on his followers who didn’t believe in Allah and committed sins, the tears of The Prophet S.A.W fell down. Jibril (Gabriel) alaihis salam came down when The Prophet S.A.W cried while reciting, “ummatiy..ummatiy..”. Even in the book written by Imam Nawawi in Syarh Nawawi ala Shahih Muslim, Prophet S.A.W called “ummatiy..ummatiy”, it means Rasul S.A.W didn’t want to be separated from his followers. He S.A.W raised his hands and prayed to Allah “ummatiy..ummatiy..”, Jibril a.s came down to earth, “what makes you cry, O’ Rasulullah?”, Rasul said “all Prophets are free from duties and give up on their followers who committed sins while I don’t have the heart to let go my followers who committed sins, O’ Jibril”. Hence Jibril returned to Allah and reported “O’ Rabb, Muhammad S.A.W didn’t have the heart and could let go his followers who committed sins, always like that, he still want to defend his followers who are sinners”. Thus Allah S.W.T commanded Jibril to return to The Prophet S.A.W “kindly inform Muhammad, I will not disappoint him and will never make him sad”. Therefore The Prophet S.A.W will never have the followers who pass away as Moslem but committed sins, no matter how long they will be tortured in their graves and the fire of hell because of their sins, they will eventually arrive in heaven with the syafa’at from Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
We perform silent prayer towards Allah S.W.T, may Allah S.W.T extend our longing feelings towards Prophet Muhammad S.A.W and Allah S.W.T. because after Prophet S.A.W said “I am more jealous (over protective) towards all of you, compared to Sa’ad” hence Rasul S.A.W continued his hadits “indeed Allah is even more protective that I am”. Allah loves us even more, therefore Allah created Prophet Muhammad S.A.W as the sign of His love towards us.
Ya Rahman Ya Rahim make our soul always respond towards the calls of Your longing feeling, we have heard Your statement O’ Allah “Man ahabba liqaa’iy ahbabtu liqa’ah, whoever long for meeting up with Allah, Allah also long for meeting them,” as written in Shahih Bukhari.
Rabbiy, grow the longing feeling within the soul of all Moslems, make our breath decorated with longing feeling for You, and make such longing feeling remove all sins, get rid of all catastrophes and bad luck, throw away all of our problems and troubles. Ya Rahman Ya Rahim kindly ensure all of our face will be brightened by the light of Your beauty on Yaumal qiyamah, those dazzling faces on Judgment Day, only staring at Allah Jalla Wa Alla. They are staring at the magnificence of Allah, the light of Allah’s beauty, light up their faces while there are empty and dark faces, they know that they will be returned to misery. Rabbiy kindly ensure that our face will be luminously bright with Your light, make sure that we extend our relationship with Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W, make sure we will be meeting up with The Prophet S.A.W at the palace of Rasulullah S.A.W, the most lavish palace in heaven, the palace of Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W, the highest palace in heaven is the palace of Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W. Kindly ensure that we will always attend the noble majelis, majelis taklim, majelis maulid, and majelis shalawat. Kindly ensure that we will be together with Rasulullah S.A.W.
Ya Rahman Ya Rahim Ya Dzaljalali wal ikram, we light up the fire of love within our soul in which may You protect us from all disasters and catastrophes, pour on us the Blessing and Easiness, prosperity in the word and beyond, happiness in the world and beyond, easiness in the world and beyond, magnificence in the world and beyond, welfare in the world and beyond. O’ The Owner of the world and beyond, O’ The Creator of the whole world and beyond, O’ Thy who creates the world and ends it with Judgment Day, O’ The Owner of name since the offspring of Adam go through the world and beyond, kindly ensure our safety in the world and beyond.
Faquuluuu jamii’an (recite this together) Ya Allah, Ya Allah..Ya Allah..Ya Allah..
Faquuluuu jamii'an (recite this together) Laillahailallah Laillahailallah Laillahailallah Muhammadurrasulullah.
Our program is followed by together praying for all Moslems, as mentioned in hadits written in Shahih Muslim, Rasul S.A.W declared “whoever prays for his Moslem brother, the angels recite “amin walaka mitsluh” amin and for you what you have prayed for your brother.”
We pray for the wellbeing of all Moslems, those who already passed away, and Moslems who suffer from tortures in their grave, may they be given easiness by Allah S.W.T. Those who are already comfortable may be given more pleasures, and for those are still alive on this earth, may Allah eliminate all troubles, sadness and catastrophes, and be given help by Allah S.W.T. Therefore ladies and gentlemen, we pray for all Moslems, and as big as the number of these Moslems, each of their good deeds will return to us. Hence may Allah answer our prayer and within this prayer there is a hope, requesting the authorities to bring wisdom and prosperity for all of us. The prayer requesting Allah, to give us the leaders who can demolish tyranny and help the weak, the leaders who love faithful people and fight for dignity and justice in this biggest Moslem country in the world. Washollallahu ala Sayyidina Muhammad Nabiyyil Ummiy wa Shohbihi wa Sallam.
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 26 August 2009 )

Written by Munzir Almusawa   
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
The Secret of a Fly’s Wings
Monday, 18th May 2009

قَالَ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ:
إِذَا وَقَعَ الذُّبَابُ فِي شَرَابِ أَحَدِكُمْ فَلْيَغْمِسْهُ ثُمَّ لِيَنْزِعْهُ فَإِنَّ فِي إِحْدَى جَنَاحَيْهِ دَاءً وَالْأُخْرَى شِفَاءً

(صحيح البخاري)
Rasulullah S.A.W declared:
“If a fly falls into your drink, drown it then take it out, indeed one of its wings has disease while the other wing has the remedy.” (Shahih Bukhari)

ImageAssalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
All the Praise be to Allah S.W.T The Supreme Being, The God Almighty in the world and sky, The Only God and Everlasting even before the whole world has been created, until it is thoroughly created and being guided on how to maintain it by the most perfect guidance, until the world is over. He is (Allah) The Only God without the beginning or the end. Being existed with all creatures that must have the beginning and ending. While Allah is The Creator of the beginning and the end, hence Allah is never dependent on the words of beginning and end.
He is The Only One, The Everlasting S.W.T, “laysa kamitslihi syai’un” there is nothing like Him, He is incomparable. QS. Assyura: 11. And unite all the perfection within His Name, The Only God, Allah S.W.T throughout the periods of time. The more a man learns what the world has; he will understand further the secret of God’s Magnificence. The more he studies the sunnah of The Prophet S.A.W the messenger of Blessings, hence he will further understand how magnificent Allah Jalla Wa Alla and His lessons are.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah,
Within this noble gathering, gathered as many servants whom souls are seen and noticed by Rabbul Alamin, The Most Observer towards each deepest feeling, The Most Watcher towards all things we have done in life, The Most Omniscient what will happen tomorrow and The Supreme Being Who is able to turn and twist our condition in the future. He is The Only God, Allah Allah Jalla Wa Alla The Most Eternal, Allah who is always glorified and always grand in the whole world, overseeing this World Kingdom with perfection.
Now we have come to the hadits of The Prophet, Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W. As written in Shahih Bukhari, one hadits that sounds trivial but indeed reveals the secret of nobility and perfection as well as modernity of the lessons from Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W. He S.A.W declared, “idza waqa’adzdzubabu fi syarabi ahadikum falyaghmishu tsumma liyanzi’hu fainna fi ihda janahaiyhi da’an wal ukhra syifa’an” if a fly falls into your glass, drown it, because one if its wings has disease while the other wing has its remedy.
It doesn’t mean that we must do this all the time. What we are discussing here is indeed not about a fly falling down into the glass that must be drown, because what it means from this hadits is not a command, but something that may neutralize the water from the fly’s poison. This has been proved by our scientists, as they studied about the insects on earth. They found out the enormous marvels of those insects, that a fly flaps its wings 200 to 400X (times) each second. And each second, the fly moves its wings 200 to 400X movements. And for an animal called “Ganjur” even flaps its wings 1000X each second. The scientists studied 4 kinds of insects, they learnt about those creatures and said that they just studied 4 kinds of insects while there are still left approximately more than 10 million kind of insects in this world. And certainly, they found out many discoveries and miracles from those insects, and they said that in each of the wings of a fly, there are elevator and depressor functions, which meant as the function of elevating and lowering its wings. And it moves 200 to 400X each second, and the amazing movement of the fly which always moves in many minutes or even hours. Such fast movement of the muscles that moves the wings of such a tiny fly is amazing.
Allah S.W.T commanded “ya ayyuhannaas..” O’ humankind, has been given to all of you one example, thus listen to the example I have given, those who admit God aside from Allah S.W.T will never be able to create a fly although from naught, although all of them who are worshipped other than Allah gather together.” (QS Al Hajj 73).
All that are worshipped other than Allah gather together to create a fly, they will never be able to do it, they will never be able to create a tiny fly although they are all united.
A tiny fly, as explained by researchers from Australia, in one of its wings they found 1 RESILIN GENE, a gene that has 2 functions, an industrial function and health function. Function towards the industry is that this Resilin gene is much more powerful and enormous than all kind of rubbers found and made by humankind on this earth. The kind of rubber is taken from rubber trees or any other thing, while the Resilin gene found in the wings of a fly is much stronger and more powerful if used as rubber as it has the powerful capacity to push and press as well as the enormous capacity to bounce and these are all found from the wings of a fly and other insect that can vibrate until 1000X each second, like a creature called ‘ganjur’ or other insects.
And for the health function, the Resilin gene is a gene that can cure diseases found in the arteries and nerves. There are a lot of blockages or clogging in the arteries (blood vessels) and these Resilin genes from the wings of a fly can cure such disease. This shows the magnificent and perfection and the intelligence of Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W.
If a fly falls into your glass, drown it. It means, the Resilin genes in its wings would be absorbed by the water that makes the water purified from bacteria found in the other wing.
Who informed The Prophet S.A.W that there is Resilin genes that can cure the clogging in the arteries or blood vessels while those genes are not even visible..?. We can see them through a microscope and it takes many years to study it, but The Prophet S.A.W knew that in the wings of a fly there are remedies and diseases, until the grains of the genes and cells of a fly’s wings had been discovered by Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W.
The more a person study about sunnah, hence the more perfect and modern his life would become. Ladies and gentlemen, this shows how magnificent it is our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, whose guidance seemed to be trivial if we have yet to study it. Those who don’t understand would certainly laugh, how could a fly that already falls into the water, should be drown? But The Prophet S.A.W knew “..fainna fi ihda jana haihi da’an wal ukhra syifa’an” because on its wings there are disease as well as remedy. And in fact, our scientists prove it, the depth and sharpness of the awareness of Muhammad Rasulullah S.A.W.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah,
This is the perfection of Allah S.W.T in creating the sunnah of The Prophet S.A.W, as written in Shahih Bukhari, Rasul S.A.W declared “if you sleep, turn off the light.” So simple, we might think that turning off the lights meant that we would save the oil of the lantern, at that time. But actually it was not that simple, in fact the human body produces energy when they sleep and the energy comes out from the body will mend the broken cells in the body, and those energies would be disturbed by the presence of lights. This kind of thing has been discovered by Muhammad Rasulullah S.A.W. If you sleep, turn off the lights. At that period of tiem, 14 centuries ago, they didn’t understand about body energy and such. The Prophet S.A.W has known it although at that era, people have yet to come to this kind of knowledge. The Prophet S.A.W taught it, follow His sunnah. Here comes the time to prove it that in fact The Prophet S.A.W knew that the energy which comes out from the human body when sleeping will be disturbed by the light. His command is clear, therefore if you sleep, please turn off the lights to make the energy in your body works well in mending your body. It shows the perfection of the lessons from Muhammad Rasullah S.A.W. and Rasul S.A.W declared “there is none of you (it means all of you) will face the Creator, the God and he will be standing alone, and nobody will accompany him” (when he stands up to face the Rabb) (Shahih Bukhari).
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah,
There are more than 10 million kinds of insects found on this earth and each of the insects has its own different kind of rules. Each insect has its own wing’s speed, ranging from 200 to 400X each second, or even could reach up to 1000X each second. While there are 10 million kinds of insects, then who controls this all? Could the insect systematize its own movement? Or other functions of its muscles and nerves? They could only live without knowing why they live. This is the nature of an insect, a bee with its own benefit, a fly or a mosquito, each represents the sign of the God’s magnificence. And all of them are under Allah’s willing. Recognizing this all, The Great Creator, He is Allah. Return to Him and not to the depth science on a fly or insects but study more on who the creator of it all is, Rabbul Alamin..Allahu Allahu Allahu.
And we all will stand before Allah, the most significant moment. When we contemplate it, we will stand up as our name is called, and we will find as explained fulan bin fulan to come forward in the presence of Allah. As written in Shahih Bukhari, when one of the people came forward to face Allah, he was a person who longed for Allah the most when he was alive on earth. Hence when he was taken to the presence of Allah S.W.T, Allah S.W.T hid all his sins, invisible by other people on that mahsyar field and what they could see were only the rewards of his good deeds. Why? “Whoever covers the flaws of other person (Moslem’s) in the world, hence on the judgment day, his sins wouldn’t be seen”. (Shahih Bukhari) He had a lot of sins but all were hid by Allah, and not exposed to others, the way any good deeds in the majestic trial on mahsyar field would be checked. On so and so date, day, month, you conducted this, who is the witness? The witnesses are your hands, and legs. “his hands, legs, and all part of his body are the witnesses”. The earth will witness and the angels too, that this person performed so and so thing, and by that time all his offspring would see, all his friends would see, and his family and relatives and the whole people on earth would see it. But for those who always hide the flaws of other Moslems in the world, Allah will hide their sins. Also for those who come forward to the presence of Allah, those who love Allah and certainly still have sins, Allah S.W.T declared, “you conducted this and that, conducted sins on so and so day, date and in a certain place,..?”, “yes I did, O’ Allah”, “and look at this one?”, Allah would keep on questioning. And he said, “true, O’ Allah, it’s true O’ Allah”. Then Allah S.W.T declared “in the world I protected you, people who don’t know their sins. Now in the Judgment Day I pardon you”. (Shahih Bukhari). So magnificent Allah is, towards those who want to get closer towards Allah Jalla Wa Alla.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah,
As written in Shahih Bukhari, about someone who always recites Surah Al Ikhlas and keeps on repeating it many times. This story has two versions, three versions in Shahih Bukhari and Shahih Muslim. Three different stories but with one meaning, the first story is the story of a person who, every time he finished reciting Surah Al Fatihah, would recite Surah Al Ikhlas and followed by other surah from Al Qur’an. (Al Fatihah – Al Ikhlas – other surah from Al. Qu’ran), and we have discussed this story many times.
The second story was from Sayyidatuna Aisyah radiyallahu anha, that someone performed the same thing when he was in war and when he was reported to Prophet S.A.W, Prophet S.A.W said, “ask him why did he do that?”, he replied, “I’m happy to recite it because in that surah, there are characters of Allah whom I love”, I love to recite the words “Allahu ahad” (Allah The Only God) in my heart, I will never bow down to others, no matter how many sins I conducted I will never bow down and worship other than Allah… only Allah, I am happy to call His Name....” When Prophet S.A.W came to know about this news, Prophet S.A.W said, “Please tell him that Allah loves him”. Why? Because he loves to call Allah’s Name, loves to recite the character of Allah, thus Allah also loves him. Ladies and gentlemen, the love towards Allah is the one certainly answered from all kind of love. We could love anyone, but the one that would be certainly answered is the love of Allah. If we love someone, it doesn’t guarantee that person loves us back, we love someone 100% and we cannot guarantee that he would love us 100%. But if someone loves Allah 100%, Allah will love him back 200%.
“Wa idza taqarraba ilayya abdi syibran taqarabbtu ilaihi dzira’an, waidza taqarabba ilayya abdi dzira’an taqarabbtu ilaihi ba’a,” when My servants get closer to Me one span, I will get closer to him one span of arm, My servants get closer to Me one span of arm, I will get even closer to him one fathom,” (Shahih Bukhari). This is a comparison that the love of Allah will be even bigger than our love for Allah. No matter how big your love and long for Allah is, His love towards us will be even bigger. Thus, who wants to refuse the love proposal from Allah and Allah’s desire towards us? Answer the desire of Allah S.W.T and the love of Allah towards us by loving and longing for Allah.
I am a sinner days and nights, and not qualified to long for Allah… In fact, the love and desire for Allah if comes from the sinners when they want to get closer to Allah and regret, Allah S.W.T will raise their level from the lowest rank to the most dignified rank. “Innallahu yuhibbu tawwabin wa yuhibbu muthathahirin, Innahu kaana tawwaaba” indeed Allah is The Most Gracious and Merciful. No matter how big the sins of the persons are, their request for forgiveness will be accepted by Rabbul Alamin.
As written in Shahih Bukhari, when Rasul S.A.W heard the news that his comrades said Sa’ad radiyallahu anhum declared, “Whoever dares to get closer to my wife and be together with my wife, I will behead them with this sword”. The comrades informed Rasul S.A.W, “O’ Rasulullah, this Sa’ad wants to make his own rules,” something like that. The Prophet S.A.W changed the topic of conversation into something gentle, while declaring “are you all confused about Sa’as being jealous and over protective?, I would even more jealous to you all compared to Sa’ad being protective towards his wife”. Sa’ad’s love towards his wife is far less meaningful compared to my love towards all of you and I am more protective to all of you, said Rasul S.A.W. What is the meaning? I would love and even more protective. For example, if Sa’ad saw other men together with his wife, he would attack them with a sword, hence Rasul S.A.W would never let us alone, there are many of his followers in hell, no matter how big their sins are, Rasul S.A.W would fight for them, fight and struggle for them all until there are none of his people left, as he will freed them all from hell. This shows how big it is the love and protectiveness from Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W towards all of us.
“Laqad jaa akum rasulun min anfusikum a’ziizun a’laihi maa a’nittum hariishun a’laikum bil mu’miniina raufurrahiim,” has come to you all, a Prophet who has deep thoughts about the catastrophes that all of you have, very protective to you all and he is very gentle towards faithful people. QS. At Taubah : 128.
As written in Shahih Muslim, when Nabiyullah Ibrahim a.s gave up on his followers who didn’t believe in Allah and Nabiyyullah Isa a.s gave up on his followers who didn’t believe in Allah and committed sins, the tears of The Prophet S.A.W fell down. Jibril (Gabriel) alaihis salam came down when The Prophet S.A.W cried while reciting, “ummatiy..ummatiy..”. Even in the book written by Imam Nawawi in Syarh Nawawi ala Shahih Muslim, Prophet S.A.W called “ummatiy..ummatiy”, it means Rasul S.A.W didn’t want to be separated from his followers. He S.A.W raised his hands and prayed to Allah “ummatiy..ummatiy..”, Jibril a.s came down to earth, “what makes you cry, O’ Rasulullah?”, Rasul said “all Prophets are free from duties and give up on their followers who committed sins while I don’t have the heart to let go my followers who committed sins, O’ Jibril”. Hence Jibril returned to Allah and reported “O’ Rabb, Muhammad S.A.W didn’t have the heart and could let go his followers who committed sins, always like that, he still want to defend his followers who are sinners”. Thus Allah S.W.T commanded Jibril to return to The Prophet S.A.W “kindly inform Muhammad, I will not disappoint him and will never make him sad”. Therefore The Prophet S.A.W will never have the followers who pass away as Moslem but committed sins, no matter how long they will be tortured in their graves and the fire of hell because of their sins, they will eventually arrive in heaven with the syafa’at from Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
We perform silent prayer towards Allah S.W.T, may Allah S.W.T extend our longing feelings towards Prophet Muhammad S.A.W and Allah S.W.T. because after Prophet S.A.W said “I am more jealous (over protective) towards all of you, compared to Sa’ad” hence Rasul S.A.W continued his hadits “indeed Allah is even more protective that I am”. Allah loves us even more, therefore Allah created Prophet Muhammad S.A.W as the sign of His love towards us.
Ya Rahman Ya Rahim make our soul always respond towards the calls of Your longing feeling, we have heard Your statement O’ Allah “Man ahabba liqaa’iy ahbabtu liqa’ah, whoever long for meeting up with Allah, Allah also long for meeting them,” as written in Shahih Bukhari.
Rabbiy, grow the longing feeling within the soul of all Moslems, make our breath decorated with longing feeling for You, and make such longing feeling remove all sins, get rid of all catastrophes and bad luck, throw away all of our problems and troubles. Ya Rahman Ya Rahim kindly ensure all of our face will be brightened by the light of Your beauty on Yaumal qiyamah, those dazzling faces on Judgment Day, only staring at Allah Jalla Wa Alla. They are staring at the magnificence of Allah, the light of Allah’s beauty, light up their faces while there are empty and dark faces, they know that they will be returned to misery. Rabbiy kindly ensure that our face will be luminously bright with Your light, make sure that we extend our relationship with Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W, make sure we will be meeting up with The Prophet S.A.W at the palace of Rasulullah S.A.W, the most lavish palace in heaven, the palace of Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W, the highest palace in heaven is the palace of Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W. Kindly ensure that we will always attend the noble majelis, majelis taklim, majelis maulid, and majelis shalawat. Kindly ensure that we will be together with Rasulullah S.A.W.
Ya Rahman Ya Rahim Ya Dzaljalali wal ikram, we light up the fire of love within our soul in which may You protect us from all disasters and catastrophes, pour on us the Blessing and Easiness, prosperity in the word and beyond, happiness in the world and beyond, easiness in the world and beyond, magnificence in the world and beyond, welfare in the world and beyond. O’ The Owner of the world and beyond, O’ The Creator of the whole world and beyond, O’ Thy who creates the world and ends it with Judgment Day, O’ The Owner of name since the offspring of Adam go through the world and beyond, kindly ensure our safety in the world and beyond.
Faquuluuu jamii’an (recite this together) Ya Allah, Ya Allah..Ya Allah..Ya Allah..
Faquuluuu jamii'an (recite this together) Laillahailallah Laillahailallah Laillahailallah Muhammadurrasulullah.
Our program is followed by together praying for all Moslems, as mentioned in hadits written in Shahih Muslim, Rasul S.A.W declared “whoever prays for his Moslem brother, the angels recite “amin walaka mitsluh” amin and for you what you have prayed for your brother.”
We pray for the wellbeing of all Moslems, those who already passed away, and Moslems who suffer from tortures in their grave, may they be given easiness by Allah S.W.T. Those who are already comfortable may be given more pleasures, and for those are still alive on this earth, may Allah eliminate all troubles, sadness and catastrophes, and be given help by Allah S.W.T. Therefore ladies and gentlemen, we pray for all Moslems, and as big as the number of these Moslems, each of their good deeds will return to us. Hence may Allah answer our prayer and within this prayer there is a hope, requesting the authorities to bring wisdom and prosperity for all of us. The prayer requesting Allah, to give us the leaders who can demolish tyranny and help the weak, the leaders who love faithful people and fight for dignity and justice in this biggest Moslem country in the world. Washollallahu ala Sayyidina Muhammad Nabiyyil Ummiy wa Shohbihi wa Sallam.
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 26 August 2009 )

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