Written by Munzir Almusawa | |
Monday, 27 July 2009 | |
Monday, 4th May 2009 قال رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ : رَحِمَ اللَّهُ رَجُلًا سَمْحًا إِذَا بَاعَ وَإِذَا اشْتَرَى وَإِذَا اقْتَضَى (صحيح البخاري Rasulullah S.A.W declared:“In the world of trading, Allah loves the forgiving and lenient person towards his debts and loans.” (Shahih Bukhari) Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh All Praise Be to Allah S.W.T The Most Gracious, The Brightest who shines the souls of His servants with graciousness, and there is nothing more beautiful in the whole life other than faith to get closer towards Allah, there is no graciousness of all kind of life who had ever lived since the offspring of Adam a.s, from Nabiyullah Adam alaihis salam and Sayyidatuna Hawa alaiha salam until the last mankind on earth, there is no dignified life more than the life of the lovers of Allah. Those who want to be closer to Allah, those who want to reach the true success from all kind of victories, the peak and the end of all kind of career, the highest status and profession from all kind of profession is the real closeness towards Allah in the eternal and luxurious palace. Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, Until their souls filled with only love and longing for Allah, and that is the most magnificent soul. They will not dwell on the torments of hell or the magnificent of heaven anymore. But all they are longing for is to get close to and be loved by Allah, that’s all what they want. Hence we might ask why The Prophet S.A.W always asks for heaven and avoiding the fire of hell, does it mean that The Prophet .S.AW still wants heaven and still worries about hell? No, but those from the shiddiqin and muqarrabin people know that heaven is the place for those who are loved by Allah and hell is the place for those who are hated by Allah. Therefore they ask for heaven, because heaven is the place for those who are loved by Allah. Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, Allah S.W.T has treated us tonight by gathering the angels who are witnessing the guests of Allah who attend the mosques or those who sit for worshipping Allah. Thus Rasul S.A.W declared “malaikat laa tazaal yusholli ala ahadikum” (Shahih Bukhari) incessantly the angels recite shalawat and prayer for all of you when some of you still sit inside the mosque in holy state or still sit on the spot where they perform shalat or worshipping, hence the angels will keep praying for them with this prayer “allahumma shalli a’laihi allahummarhamhu” O’ Allah kindly pour to them shalawat and nobility, O’ Allah kindly love them. The angels will continue praying for us with that prayer as long as we still sit in this majelis, inside the palace of Allah’s Blessings (Mosque), on earth. It shows us how Allah indulge and glorify us, how magnificent it is the love of Allah towards us, so that He summons all angels to pray for those who want to be close to Him, those who come as guests in the palace of His blessings, to the mosques or mushalla or to any worshipping place, even if it is only his own sajadah (praying mat), as long as he still sits on that place, the angels will keep on praying for him. Now we come to this noble hadits, as written in Shahih Bukhari “rahimallahu rajulan samhan idzaa baa’a wa izaa isytaraa wa izaaqtadhaa” the love of Allah will always be abundant to anyone who, when he buys or sells (in his trading business) always be happy to forgive, make things easier and simpler. If he buys, he will not bargain too much, if he sells, he will not take too much profit and not lying to his customers. “..wa izaaqtadha” and when they pay each other’s debts. When they have debts, with his good manner, he will come to the person he borrows the money from and he will return the money properly, in a polite and noble way. Likewise, if someone else borrows money from him, he will ask or dun it in a polite and nice way. This kind of people is definitely loved by Allah, glorified by Allah. Allah declared, “wailullilmuthaffifiin; alladzina idzaktaaluu a’lannasi yastawfuun; waidza kaaluuhum awwazanuuhum yukhsiruun; ala yadhunnu ulaaika annahummab’utsun; liyawmin a’dhim; yaumayaquumunnaasu lirabbil a’lamin” (QS. Al Muthaffifiin: 1-5). Allah S.W.T declared: Be cursed to traders, who cheat in scaling with their weighing machine, (Qs. Al-Muthaffifiin: 1). When they shop, they ask for the most fairness scale, as not to have the wrong or cheated weight, but when they sell, they reduce the weight trickily. (Qs. Al-Muthaffifiin: 2), be cursed to all of them, declared Allah S.W.T. didn’t they know that sooner or later they will be standing on the most dreadful day (Qs. Al-Muthaffifiin: 4-5). The most magnificent day, the day when Allah S.W.T makes each human stand individually to face Him, at that time, how unlucky to those traders who are tricky and sly. Those who are being tricky to a weighing machine would be so doomed, even worse to those being tricky towards the seller or buyer by cheating. Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, Rasul S.A.W guided us towards the most magnificent guidance, towards the noblest tutorial and this is the guidance from our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. And Rasul S.A.W is the best person in performing good deeds. When he S.A.W lends money to others, he S.A.W alone would return it in the most decent way. As written in Shahih Bukhari, how Rasul S.A.W borrowed money from a Jewish (someone outside Islam) hence the Jewish, though he knows that Rasulullah S.A.W is a trustworthy person, still asked for a warranty and Rasulullah S.A.W gave his iron clothes as warranty. And the money he borrowed was to treat his guests. How magnificent it is, the manner of Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W. And Rasul S.A.W is the one with the most perfect manner. As written in Shahih Bukhari, when Rasul S.A.W walked, he found a date fell to the ground, while taking it, he said “lawla antakuna shadaqah la..” if not because of being afraid that this is date for shadaqah (alms) (because alms couldn’t be eaten by Rasul S.A.W, but can be for other Moslems) I would definitely eat it, said The Prophet S.A.W. This is from appreciating rezki (subsistence) found on the surface of earth which comes from Allah, and it is considered luqatah (discovered things which have no value). So, if we find things that have no value, we can take them, but for valuable things we couldn’t have it, until 1 year. We could take it, touch it, but we must try to find the owner or announce it for 1 year, and if after 1 year, the owner still doesn’t come, we can use it but if the owner comes we should return it, or replace it with money. That is the regulation for discovered things. Aside from our discussion tonight, there have been many reports that pickpockets also attend this majelis regularly. Subhanallah!! While people come here for a good cause, and you (the thief) come to harm those who have good intentions. It has never crossed my mind, in such most dignified majelis like this, there are people who come with bad intention to harm and conduct crime to those who come for the blessings of Allah S.W.T. Allah’s anger is indescribable in their life in this world and the life after. May Allah give them all God’s guidance, the anger and the rage of Allah is indescribable towards those who conduct any harm towards His guests. People come to recite Al Qur’an and go home without their hand-phone, as the hand-phone has gone, stolen by the thief. Subhanallah, repent!! O’ those who have bad intention in this majelis, because catastrophes and disaster will come to you, poverty, destruction in this world and in the life after, may Allah give them guidance. Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, The Prophet S.A.W declared, as written in Shahih Bukhari, “there will be one time, when humankind doesn’t care anymore what things come to him, whether those are legal (permitted according to Islam) or illegal”. People don’t want to distinguish it anymore, which one is legal and which one is not. That era will come, said Prophet S.A.W, and that era has come to us now. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the time for us to be better, these are our young people and our majelis in which Allah S.W.T had given Inayah (gift) always, for us to make our majelis more prosperous, all these noble majelis. May Allah S.W.T make it more prosperous, Amin Allahumma Amin. And make those who attend it within the state of prosperity in the world and beyond. Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, As written in Shahih Bukhari, how magnificent it was when The Prophet S.A.W gave tarbiyah towards all his comrades with the best guidance. Some news came to The Prophet S.A.W that Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash alaihimaa ridhwanallah performed night prayers and recited Alqur’an all nights, and during daytime he was fasting, day after day he performed it. Hence Rasul S.A.W called him, “is that true that you (perform shalat all night), at night how long you read Alqur’an?” he replied “I finish Alqur’an each night, O’ Rasulullah”. “and during the day?”, “during daytime I am fasting everyday O’ Rasulullah”. Rasul S.A.W said “don’t do it!, read Alqur’an once a month you can finish / khatam (1 day = 1 chapter)” this is the best and sunnah (strongly suggested) for us. Those who have busy activities are strongly suggested to read 1 chapter 1 day if possible. Rasul S.A.W taught it, within 1 month 1X finish and performs fasting 3 days in a month. Hence Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash said, “O’ Rasulullah, I am able to do more than that, O’ Rasulullah”. Suddenly Rasul S.A.W’s face changed, he had given suggestion but his suggestion was argued. Hence Rasul S.A.W replied, “Then in 1 week 3 days fasting”, Abdullah answered, “O’ Rasulllah I could do more than that”. He kept on asking and asking, until finally Rasul S.A.W said, “Then 1 day fasting 1 day off alternately, this is the fasting of Prophet Daud a.s, and nothing more than that”. It means that Rasul S.A.W didn’t allow anybody to fast more than the fasting of Nabiyullah Daud a.s which is fasting every other day. This is the most number of fasting allowed for the faithful followers of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Until not long after, Rasul S.A.W passed away and until khilafah and until Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash retold this hadits long after the passing away of The Prophet S.A.W. He said, “Why didn’t I take the suggestion from The Prophet S.A.W from the very beginning, what’s the point of all my abundant religious services if only all of them offended the feeling of Rasulullah S.A.W”. If I have taken the suggestion from The Prophet S.A.W from the beginning so that he S.A.W would be happy for me, so that The Prophet S.A.W would love me because I accept his S.A.W last will, this all would be much more precious than all my religious services, which are the worships based on sunnah of Rasul S.A.W. Although he already struggled by performing fasting ala Nabiyullah Daud or struggled with any other good deeds, he is not yet to find a chance to give pleasure to the heart of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, May Allah S.W.T always pour His Blessing and Prosperity in this gathering, I will not deliver such a long tausiyah, as we have the presence of Al Habib Aththas bin Muhammad bin Salim bin Hafidh may all the Blessing and Prosperity be with him. It is also not appropriate for me to speak here delivering tausiyah in front of him, but because of his command and the love towards The Prophet S.A.W. May Allah S.W.T raise our rank to the highest, may Allah glorify our days, raise our level, get rid of all kind of our problems and keep us away from our enemies. Rabbiy kindly protect us from all kind of denials, Rabbiy kindly protect us from all sins, Rabbiy protect us from all difficulties, Rabbiy protect us from all disasters, Rabbiy protect us from all crimes, Rabbiy protect us from all tyrants, Ya Rahman Ya Rahim Ya Dzaljalali wal ikram, O’ The Cherisher Who deserves most to be loved, O’ The Holiest, O’ The Most Gracious, O’ The Most Powerful in taking away the willingness to perform sins, take away the willingness to perform all kind of sins from our soul, all kind of intentions that You abhor and kindly replace them with things that You approve. Faquuluuu jamii’an (recite this together) Ya Allah, Ya Allah..Ya Allah.. Faquuluuu jamii'an (recite this together) Laillahailallah Laillahailallah Laillahailallah Muhammadurrasulullah We conclude our program by reciting prayer together in qasidah Ya Arhamar Rahimin and after that, a closing prayer by the one we glorified and loved, our beloved father Fadhilatul Sayyid Al Habib Aththas bin Muhammad bin Salim bin Hafidh, may he be given the Blessing and Prosperity from Allah S.W.T. | |
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 28 July 2009 ) |
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